Tobias Wellton

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Fandom: Marvel

Name: Tobias Wellton

Age: 25

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Crush: open

Birthdate: 6/8

Zodiac: Leo


Casual clothing:

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Casual clothing:

Casual clothing:

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Mission suit:

Mission suit:

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Formal wear:

Formal wear:

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Power(s): he can turn his skin into diamond

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Power(s): he can turn his skin into diamond

Occupation: writer and Avenger

Backstory: Tobias lived a pretty average life. He was born with loving parents. Well, at least until his dad got cancer. When Tobias was 10 years old, his father passed, and his mom didn't take it well. She turned from a loving wife and mother to a broken, abusive alcoholic. With no one to guide him, he thought that this was the right way. He let himself get hit and emotionally abused, until he was twelve and began to steal some of his mom's alcohole. Instead of hiding it, he kept it in his backpack, taking a sip here and there as he found out he loosend up by it. A classmate found it in his backpack once, but after a very convincing threat about what he'd do the classmate stayed quiet.
When he was 17 he was constantly partying, taking drugs and drinking. One night he took a pill, without seeing how it was, and it instantly gave him a blackout. Steve, who was out on a run that night, found the boy a few blocks away from the party, vomiting his stomach out. What caught the soldier's eyes was that Tobias' skin was glistening like a diamond. Steve helped the poor boy to his apartment when he was done throwing up, because when he stopped the diamond skin disappeared, and his bruised skin showed. In his drugged state, Tobias revealed everything that had been going on with him, and Steve called CPS on his mother and became his guardian. Steve helped Tobias overcome his addictions, and they trained together, both excersizing but also his powers.
So Tobias ended up becoming a part time Avenger, as well as a writer, as he wrote books about his life and how he nearly ruined his life.

Weakness: lactose intolerant, PTSD, nightmares, allergies towards dogs

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