24- Ding Ding

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A few hours later they hear a car pulling up and looking out the bedroom window, the see the Impala. Sam and Calliope head down the stairs, to see Crowley standing there.
"Where's Dean?" Calliope asks and he nods his head in the direction of Dean.

"Now, for the record, I'm against this. Negotiating a high-level defection, it's very delicate business" Crowley says as Calliope and Sam go to see Dean.  Crowley steps infront of Sam, stopping him from going with Calliope.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asks him, as Calliope waits for Sam.
"I begged Dean not to come back. We should be miles away from you. He replied with a colorful rejoinder about my corn chute" Crowley says to him and Sam scoffs, "So go ahead. Go ruin our last best hope" he says and Sam walks toward Calliope.  "It's only the end of the world" they hear Crowley saying as they go find Dean. They walk in a room, to see Dean tying the demon to a chair, a devils trap under the chair, and the bag over the Demons head.

"Sam" Dean says seeing his brother.
"What's going on, Dean?" Sam asks him.
"I need you to stay on mission. Okay? Focused" Dean tells him.
"I don't understand. What's all this about?" Sam asks.
"I'm doing this because I trust you" Dean then says, as the demon starts to come too.

"You trust me to what?" Sam asks confused.
"Sam?" the demon then says, "Sam, is that you?" it asks, as Dean goes over and removes the bag off the demons head.
"Brady?" Sam asks.

The demon smirks at Sam, "Brady hasn't been Brady in years. Not since, oh, middle of our sophomore year" the demon says.
"What?" Sam asks.
"That's right. You had a devil on your shoulder even back then" he says to Sam, and Sam is trying to understand what he's being told, "All right, now, let it all sink in" he says.

"You son of a bitch!" Sam says anger in his voice, "You son of a bitch You introduced me to Jess!" he shouts as he advances toward him.
"Ding Ding I think he's got it!" the demon says as Dean holds his brother back.
"Damnit, Sam!" Dean says.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Sam threatens as the demon just laughs, and Dean has to shove his brother out of the room. Calliope follows the boys out, as Sam tries to go back in, she uses her abilities to push him back.

"Hey, that's enough!" Dean shouts at him.
"Get out of my way!" Sam says to the two of them.
"No!" they both say as Calliope uses her powers to keep him back.
"Calliope let me go!" Sam says to her.
"There is only one way to win, and it ain't by killing that thing in there" Dean says to him, as Calliope lets him go.

"Well, sounds like you got him nice and fluffed" Crowley says as he walks into the room. "Thanks so much" he adds as he walks away.
"Listen to me. We need Pestilence to get at the devil. And we need Brady to get to Pestilence" Dean explains to Sam.

"Why? Because Crowley says so? Because we trust him now? Like I trusted Ruby? Or like I trusted Brady back at school?" Sam shouts at Dean, who doesn't say a word, and Sam walks away.

Calliope and Dean sit in the room waiting as Crowley integrates the demon, neither one of them saying a word about the situation. They then hear footsteps and see Crowley walk into the room, "Well how'd it go? Buy your Girl Scout cookies?" Dean asks him.

"Not yet" Crowley informs him as he then notices Sam not in the room, "Where's your moose?" he asks.
"He is just cooling off" Calliope tells him as she takes a swig of her beer.

"All right, then. Get Bent" Crowley says as he turns to leave.
"You going somewhere?" Dean asks.
"Well, he won't budge. So not I got stick my neck out" he tells Dean.
"What are you gonna do?" Dean asks him.

"Exactly the kind of desperate swashbuckle I've been trying to avoid. Now I go kick open a give of demons" he says to them as he turns to leave, he looks back at them, "This whole bloody ring business better work." He tells them before disappearing.

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