Chapter 7

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[This is where some roleplay starts]

"OH MY GOD!!” Skeppy screamed.

" You'vE SEEN NOTHING!!" You screamed back at him.

So earlier, you went to start the roleplay thing with Skeppy. Then you said you're going to get something and going to mute your discord. So instead of the phone button, you click the camera button. Revealing you for 00.05 seconds since you closed it immediately once you realize what you have done. Lucky for the hood of your jacket is up, the only thing that the camera show is your hood and your hair covering your face.

"Face reveal?! FACE REVEAL?!" He starts chanting with a bit of laughter.

"No! YOU'RE NOT GETTING A FACE REVEAL!!” You protest as both of your screams joined together and not be able to hear anything else.

The chat is also spamming a bunch of stuff as they send some memes on the way.

" Let's start already!!” You yelled at him.

"Fine!!” He yelled like a child.

"So what are we going to do today?” Skeppy asks as he jumps around your character.

You responded, "hmm. I don't know, not pranking anybody else?” You ask sarcastically.

"Oh come on! Where's the fun in that?" He asked.

"Skeppy, there going to hunt us down if your explosive pranks continue." You said with annoyance.

Dream whispers to you: meet us at the mountain with a tower of cobblestone.

"Uhmm. Dream says to meet them up the mountain, " you said to him.

"What does he want?"

"I don't know, maybe something." You said as you start heading for the mountain.

"You're seriously going there?!” Skeppy quickly follows you.

"Uhm, yeah." You responded simply.

"Reaper, you have no armour, you only have an iron sword and an axe. How are you supposed to face them? What if they ambush you?" He continues to ask you some possibilities that may happen.

"You'll protect me, wouldn't you?” You ask him in a gentle voice making him silent.

"I mean, you're not wrong.." He mumbles then he let out a loud sigh, "fine!”

You let out a chuckle as you saw a stack of cobblestone not so far away. So both you and Skeppy went there, only to see him, Dream, Sapnap, and the other guy, who you know as GeorgeNotFound.

You then get invited into a call which you and Skeppy went in.

"Why is Skeppy here?" Dream asks.

"Rude, " Skeppy remarks.

"He's here because I allowed him to. Take it or leave it, " you said sternly. Getting into character.

"Look Reaper, we are not here to pick up a fight with you. I'm here to propose something, " Dream says

"And that is?..”

"I could give you anything that you need. Both you and Skeppy, a safe place, diamonds, anything." Dreams said.

"But you have to be with us. Join us [Y/n], " Sapnap says.

"As far as I know, I wanted to work individually. To survive as my own, with only two to three people around me.

"Come here Reaper, " he says as an usher you to come towards him which you did. You stand beside him, besides George while the two are fistfighting in the back.

[Y/n] Joined the Game [MC Youtubers x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now