Part 63

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After a big crying session from Carl and Paige, the morning finally came.

Everyone seemed gloomier than usual. Their eyes were sunken in, dark, like they were losing their minds.

"I think we need to go somewhere else. It'd be better if we moved." I stated as everyone ate little bits of some that Rose and I had got from the store.

I wonder were Rose is now. The answer was pretty clear to me. Dead. Just another one of them. A soulless deteriorated moving mass that roams the Earth for food that fights back. Plainly Dead.

We packed up our stuff, and I hoisted my crossbow over my shoulder.

"Are you guys ready to go?" They all nodded.

Beth and Paige were at my side, Glenn and Maggie behind us, Rick and Elizabeth behind them, and Carl all alone in the back.

We walked down the street, the highway filled with cars. Only a few walkers dared to touch us, but I slaughtered them in the blink of an eye.

"Which way should we go? Farther into the city or into the woods?" I asked, turning around to the group. Something was wrong. Someone wasn't here.

I counted each one.

I searched around. Carl was nowhere in sight.

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