𝐄𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐎'𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐥

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Melanie's POV : We all gave Ari and Jah the biggest hugs in the world and like a million congratulations. I can't beleive their having a baby. "So how did this happen?" Eli asks with a smile on his face. "Well how do I put this...we fucked. I didn't pull out. Shit got real." Jah chuckles as he takes a sip of water. "Well that's one way to put it. We didn't plan it but we're not mad." Ari chuckles. I'm so happy for them, I think Ari would make a great mom. "I gotta use the bathroom, be right back." I say as I get up from Billie's arms. I walk into the bathroom cuz I felt something watery dripping down my leg so I thought 'Okay maybe I just had an accident.' "Ow fuck." I groan as my stomach starts having a sharp pain.

Holy shit. Not right now, PLEASE NOT RIGHT NOW. "Billie!" I call from the bathroom. "She went with Finn to go to the store, what's wrong?" Ari asks as she walks into the bathroom. "I think my water just broke." I say shakily. Her jaw drops at my words as she stands there in shock. "Okay umm, I'll call Billie and Maggie will drive you to the hospital, c'mon." She says as she walks over to me. "Wait, hold on." She grabs some tissue and wipes down my leg. "Okay now lets go." She chuckles. We walk out the bathroom and the twins ask us what's wrong. "This bitch is having a baby." She smiles as we walk out the room.


Maggie's driving me to the nearest hospital right now and Billie's on her way. How ironic is it that I'm about to give birth the same day I got proposed to. What a day huh? "Alright sweetie, we're here." Maggie smiles as she unbuckles herself. I do the same as she helps me out the car. We walked into the lobby and Maggie did all the talking for me considering she's done this before. When she told the lady I was having a baby she called me her daughter. I swear Maggie is just the sweetest woman on earth.

"Alright would you like a private room or shared?" The deppressed looking lady asks. "Private please." Maggie answers. The lady slowly types something into the computer and asks us to take a seat. Maggie goes to sit down but I stay there. "Can I help you?" She sighs. "Here you can have them, you look bored." I say as I give her my scooby snacks. "Or you can have my gummy worms." I say as I take them out my other pocket. She smiles and takes the gummy worms. "Thanks." She chuckles. I nod and go to sit next to Maggie.

I really wanted the gummy worms but she looks like she needs them more than I do. "You alright dear?" Maggie asks. "Yeah, it kinda hurts though but-" I get cut off by the sound of litteraly everyone walking through the doors. "Baby I'm so sorry I wasn't there." She says as she walks up to me out of breath. "It's okay." I chuckle. I thought birth was gonna hurt but it's actually not that bad. After a while of waiting it's finally time to go into the room. "Good luck babes." Ari smiles as she gives me a hug. Let's do this shit.


"So like...does it hurt?" Billie asks as she sits in the chair next to my bed. "Kinda but not as bad as everyone says. Or maybe I just don't feel it." I shrug. They told me I'm only 6 centimeters apart so we have to wait until I'm 10 so I can push out these babies. To be honest I'm scared half to death cuz I knew I was ready to be a mom but I don't know shit about babies. "Pass me my phone please?" I ask Billie. She grabs my phone from her bag and hands it to me. I know I'm not supposed to eat anything when I'm about to give birth but I'm starving.


Do me a favor?

Ari 💖

I'm not sneaking you food


Fuck you -_-

Ari 💖

Ari 💖

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