𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭

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Melanie's POV : "Mommy wake up." I hear Kat say as she pokes my nose. "What's wrong bubba?" I say while rubbing my eyes. "I gotta go potty bad and I has hungry." She whines while now laying between me and Billie. I sigh and get out of bed, taking Kat with me to the bathroom. Once she finishes doing her business I help her brush her teeth and give her a bath. "Any nightmares?" I ask while carrying her downstairs. "Only one but is always the same one." She says while laying her head on my shoulder.

"You wanna tell me what it's about?" She never really tells me or Billie about her dreams, I don't know why though. She shakes her head no as I put her down on the couch. "What you want for breakfast?" I ask while turning on the TV for her. "Lucky charms." She smiles adorably. "Baby that's a lot of sugar for this early in the morning, you wanna try something else?" She shakes her head no and focuses on the movie playing in front of her. "Alright." I sigh as I go into the kitchen to make her cereal.


I walk back over to the couch with her small bowl of cereal and sit down next to her. She makes grabby hands for the bowl and I chuckle while handing it to her. Kat's not really a clumsy person so I trust her not to drop things but Erika on the other hand could litteraly trip on air. "Mommy I needs to tell you something." Kat says with her mouth full. "Swallow your food baby, it's not nice to talk with your mouth full." She swallows her food and apologizes. "Its ok bubba, what did you wanna tell me?" I ask her. "Yesterday when I takes the lollipops, I didn't wants to does it. Erika says that if I doesn't that she won't hugs me no more. I sorry mommy." She says while looking guilty.

I knew Kat wouldn't do something like that. It's not like her. "Don't apologize baby, if she made you do it then it's not your fault okay?" She smiles and nods her head. "Good morning babygirl." I hear Billie say as she wraps her arms around me from behind. "Good morning." I smile at her as I tilt my head back. She was about to place a kiss on my lips but I dodged it. "Did you brush your teeth?" I ask. She rolls her eyes and nods her head. I giggle and finally allow her to press her lips against mine. "Good morning princess." Billie says to Kat after we finish kissing. "Good morning mama." She mumbles while staring at the TV.

"Guess what?" Billie says while sitting on the couch and pulling Kat on her lap. "What?" She asks. "Today we get to see aunty Ari perform." A smile grows on Kats face as she fills with excitement. Kat loves going to concerts because everytime we go, people recognize us and they always compliment her. "Bil I thought we had a free day today." I sigh while laying my head on her shoulder. "Ari wants us to come to this one especially for some reason." She shrugs. What's that supposed to mean? "What time is the concert?" I ask. She grabs her phone from her pocket and checks what time it's happening. "Five hours from now." Alright I got enough time to just chill.

"I'mma go wake up Erika." I sigh as I get up from the couch. While Kat's wasn't looking, she slapped my ass as I got up. I give her a glare as she starts laughing. "Esta perra cree que estoy jugando (This bitch think im playing)." I mumble while walking upstairs. I get to the girls room and see Erika peacefully sleeping while holding tight onto the custom louis vuttion teddy bear she got her. I roll my eyes at the expensive gift and quietly walk over to her. "Baby you gotta wake up." I whisper to her while lightly tapping her. No response. "Erika c'mon, wake up." I say, now no longer whispering. Her eyes flutter open as she sits up.

"Good morning sleepy head." I chuckle. Her hair is such an adorable mess right now. "Good morning mommy." Her high pitched voice says as she rubs her eyes and sits up. "Guess what?" "What?" She asks. "Today we get to see Maddie today again." A smile takes over her adorable face. "But you gotta brush your teeth and take a bath so let's do that first okay?" She nods her head excitedly and puts on her fluffy slippers, rushing to the bathroom. I follow behind her cuz she can't really do it herself.

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