Chapter 19

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A/N: I know so far it's all lovey dovey and happy but I swear it's getting somewhere. And like they're together so it's gotta be getting close to the end, right? No sir. Big things are yet to come.

Anastasia's POV

"I still can't believe Malfoy has a girlfriend. Well, I can believe it, just not that she's a sweet Ravenclaw girl and not a pureblood slytherin," Lucy shoved her head through the neck hole that seemed just slightly too small.

I put my arm through my jumper."It's been weeks! When will you let it go?"

"Never. It's Malfoy. Although, he doesn't seem to quite have the same urge to throw people's books to the ground in the hall, so I guess I can't be too upset about it."

"Whatever. How are things with the red head?"

She blushed intensely and dropped down to tie her shoes. "Well... everything there is splendid. He held my hand yesterday. It was utterly magical."

"I'm glad. See what a good friend I am? You just needed a push." She smacked my arm and we got up to go to the final part of the Triwizard Tournament.

Waiting just in front of the entrance was my blonde boyfriend. He took my hand in his and we all walked in to find seats. We passed by Ron and Hermione to drop Lucy off, because they still refused to be around Draco. I think he felt a bit guilty that I couldn't hang out with my friends because of him, but I kind of liked just being a couple and doing couple things. While Harry was in the tournament, poor Hermione had to be a third wheel.

Speaking of Harry, he was in second place right now and Draco wouldn't admit it to anyone but I was fairly certain he was secretly rooting for him.

I don't think the participants knew it, but the professors cast some sort of spell so that we could see them in the maze, otherwise it would have been an incredibly boring competition.

Draco held both of my wrists, waving them in the air, using my arms to cheer.

"Idiot!" Draco spat under his breath when Harry decided to help Cedric. "Why on earth- the cup is right there."

Both of them walked to reach for the Triwizard cup together, but just as both of their hands touched it, they disappeared.

There was a silence. Nobody was quite sure what happened or where they went. We all watched patiently for who would come out of the maze.

A few minutes passed and we assumed the professors had cut off our link with them to save the suspense.

I turned away for a moment to look at Draco, but then the Hogwarts' March began to play. When I spun back around, Harry and Cedric had flopped onto the ground and everyone was cheering.

But something was wrong.

Fleur screamed and slowly people started to realize that Cedric hadn't moved.

His father pushed through the crowd to get closer.

"Draco," I mumbled, unable to take my eyes off of the scene. "He's- he's-"

An arm pulled me closer.


I couldn't hear much else with all of the noise. I could just see that Harry was crying and refused to leave Cedric's body.


We had a service type thing for Cedric and Dumbledore talked about the danger we faced. He-who-shall-not-be-named had returned. I didn't really know what that meant but it made everyone terrified.

The school felt a little darker, like the color had faded from the walls and from my classmates faces. We all seemed like ghostly figures of the rowdy children we'd been a few hours earlier.

When we were released, Draco brought me to the Slytherin common room. I'd never been inside of course, seeing that it was forbidden, but apparently we liked to break the rules. He snuck me inside and to his dorm where Crabbe and Goyle were waiting.

"Out," Draco commanded.

"Really, Draco? Right after a boy's death?" Goyle laughed.

"You really are a nasty one," Crabbe added on.


"Alright alright," Goyle put his hands up in surrender and they went into another room.

"You seemed a bit shaken up out there," Draco walked to pick something off the nightstand, set it back down, and then sit on his bed.

"I just can't believe such a kind boy actually just died. We were out there to have fun. It was so unexpected. And did you see his lifeless body just lying there? So cold and pale-looking. So... dead."

"Shhh it's okay," he stood up and hugged me. "Would you like to lay with me for a bit? Here you can wear these," he rushed around and pulled boxers and a t-shirt out of drawers, walking over and handing them to me.

I smiled weakly at him and went into his bathroom to put on his clothes. When I came back out he had changed too.

He got into his bed and held his arms out widely like a big, happy grizzly bear. I climbed in next to him and rested my head on his chest.

"Will things be different now?" I asked.

"I suppose they will."

"Will they ever be the same again?"

"This happened once before and things were perfectly alright by the time we started at the school."

"But will they ever be the same again for us?"

"Not sure."

He didn't have many words. He knew that if he tried to speak, nothing would come out right. But he was here and that was enough. 

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