Chapter 34

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Anastasia's POV

I stared at the old pile of letters just like I had every day for the past two years. I wanted to send them, ask him why, scold him for being such a twit, but he clearly didn't care enough to give an explanation or he would have written first. He was avoiding it on purpose and I had a feeling that a letter sent from me would never garner a response. I wondered if he had his own pile of unsent letters.

A thump in my stomach shocked me to my senses. "Brat," I snarled. The life squirmed inside of me like a tiny monster. I had already experienced this sensation. I already had and lost a child. This baby wasn't that one. It was not a creation with the man I loved. It never would be.

I shifted in my seat and picked up one of the old letters.

"Draco Malfoy,

I'm not entirely sure what I'm allowed to call you. I heard about your marriage. Astoria, huh? Why not me? I know she can't ever make you feel as deeply as I did, but I'm fairly certain that's exactly why you did it, isn't it? The boy who had no choice always running from his emotions. But this time, Draco, you could choose. And you chose her. If you had asked me to, I would have fallen right into your arms. Son of the Moon and Daughter of Midnight. Oh what beautiful stars we could have raised together had you not been so afraid.



The door flew open so aggressively that it slammed into the stone wall. I was still surprised that the wood hadn't split in two yet.

I tensed before he even got near. Every time he entered, his hands made their way directly to my body, rubbing and caressing like I was a cat. He often referred to me as such: 'Hello my kitten'. How utterly unromantic and disturbingly cheesy. I was not his pet.

"Come eat dinner tonight," his hands expectedly groped my skin. "You never do."

"I'm tired."

"Every night?"



The dwindling sound of his footsteps allowed me to return to my thoughts. I never seemed to leave them.

The bracelet on my wrist clinked against the table. There were still scars from when I had tried to rip it off. That was back when the world had color and food tasted like more than unsalted mashed potatoes.


Child footsteps. Child giggles. In circles and circles and circles around me.


"Sorry, mother," he lowered his head and plopped down in his chair.

"We're happy to have you at breakfast today, aren't we, Dorian?" Castion sipped his coffee and raised his eyebrows at the boy.

"Yeah," he agreed weakly.

"You say 'yes' when you answer a question, Dorian."

"Yes, father... can I be excused now?"

Castion nodded his head and Dorian jumped up from his seat. As he did so, a table set sitting several chairs down flew from the table. The three of us froze.

"That was weird," Dorian shrugged, but Castion and I looked at each other. It was the first time I had ever looked at him and known we were both on the exact same page. 

Princess Midnight and the Son of the Moon (Draco Malfoy fanfic){Completed}Where stories live. Discover now