Chapter 32

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Anastasia's POV

I stumbled down the hall carelessly, slamming into walls, not minding if I ran into a death eater. I made it to the Ravenclaw common room, to my dorm and into my bathroom.

I turned on the tap water as I felt my stomach pulsating. It squeezed and stung and contracted painfully. I stepped into the bath as I tore my clothes off. There was a washcloth sitting on the counter and I grabbed it and started to scrub the chunky liquid from my legs, keeping my thoughts away from what I was truly washing off of me.

My tears mixed with the shower water as I watched all of my plans for the future trickle down the drain. Sobs racked my body, masked by the noise of the water.

Eventually, I got out, wrapped a towel around me and climbed into the bed I had slept on every day until a month and a half ago. I wasn't sure if the unusual chill was just because my body was wet.

It was unfamiliar to lay in bed alone when I was sad. He wasn't here anymore, yet I still felt the intertwining of our bodies. There was an empty pressure left behind. The only way I knew his arms weren't actually wrapped around me was because my skin wasn't coming alive with the millions of goosebumps that used to be conjured by his touch.

It was like the feeling of swaying after you get off of a long boat ride. The swaying feeling isn't a bother while one is also experiencing the spray of salt water across their face on a warm day, but when it's all that's left, a ghostly memory of the place one would much rather be, it is worth ripping one's skin off to rid themselves of the feeling.

I used to believe that everything happened the way that it was meant to. There were no mistakes. Bad things had a purpose. But right now I was sure that the spots filled with pressure were exactly where his arms should have been, holding me closely, never saying much of anything because that was far too scary for his liking, but making it clear that he would give the world for me.

There was a time when I was my own source of light. I never needed anything but myself to feel that things would be okay. Now, any sense of comfort was only possible when he was near. In his absence, the world was ripping apart at the seams.

Maybe the problem was not that his arms should have been there. Maybe it's that he never should have touched me at all.

Draco's POV

Something squeezed my chest so tightly that it felt like oxygen wasn't able to make it through. There was no night-time here to fill up my lungs. Simply stop feeling, Draco. Simply stop caring.

Just then I saw Astoria Greengrass standing in front of me.

"I got it, Draco," she pulled her sleeve up and showed the fresh mark on her forearm.

"I thought you were against all of this blood purity stuff." She was two years younger than me, but she'd been to my house before, invited as a welcome guest when my father used to throw parties amongst the high-class families. She was a Slytherin and a pureblood, but I had sometimes heard her talk about how unfairly muggle-borns were treated. I used to laugh at her.

"Who was I kidding? This is the winning side. I saw that today."

"Glad you've come to your senses."

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