Chapter 30

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Draco's POV

I had thought that the fighting was clearly audible from the corridor but once we entered the room, the sound was overwhelming.

Anastasia had forced me to watch muggle movies with her. There were a few that depicted scenes of war. I assumed they were accurate and seeing the blood and gore never failed to make me a bit queasy, but the truth is that there's no possible way for a two-dimensional film to make someone understand what it was like to watch lives being taken in front of them.

Full-grown adults slaughtered brave children left and right. The death eaters had surrounded the students, crouching and slinking like hyenas about their prey and nobody fought back any longer.

"GET BACK TO YOUR LIVING QUARTERS!" Snape shouted and the remaining children scurried from the room.

My feet maneuvered carefully through the carnage until I spotted the bloodied body of the youngest Weasley boy strewn across the ground and for some reason my heart began to ache.

Poor Lu- My thought was interrupted when I noticed her. Blonde hair covered her face. It always seemed to ever since she stopped wearing headbands. I thought that had been her way of growing up; she could handle a bit of hair in her face. I knelt down and brushed it away. Why are her lips so blue? Why is her skin so cold? Why isn't bumble bee driving me crazy with her incessant chatter? Why am I no longer an insecure eleven year old boy who did anything to make his friends laugh and eagerly awaited the A+ on his Potions quiz and didn't know how much loving people could hurt?

"You know her?" Bellatrix hovered over me.

"Yeah," I shook the emotion from my face and stood up. "Bloody annoying."

"You say that as if not all of them are. Come along, you and the other students who bear the dark mark are being sent to guard the rest of them; make sure they don't get up to anything."

I nodded weakly, letting my gaze linger on the colorless face for an extra moment. Crabbe, Goyle, a few others and I entered the room with the rest of our peers.

Longbottom pushed past everyone to stand right in the front. Who would have ever thought that shy, clumsy Neville Longbottom would be leading the charge? Ginny Weasley was right behind him, with an angry face but puffy eyes. Anger stems from sadness, I remembered. There are bound to be many angry people in this room.

"Malfoy," she spat. "I always thought of you as quite the wuss, but you've gotta have balls to come in here after that."

I just stared at her.

"Cat got your tongue?" She stepped forward, but Neville put his arm out to hold her back.

"I'm sorry about Ron," I choked slightly on my words.

"Don't you DARE mention my brother! Don't you DARE pretend you're sorry! I hope you die, Draco Malfoy! I hope you suffer and die like every student in there that your people killed!"

I looked up and down from her to the floor. "That's fair."

"You silly blood traitors are finally getting what you deserve! First Ronald the Weasel and next is little Ginny," Crabbe barked.

Neville was about to step forward but I placed a quick hand on his chest and leaned into Crabbe's face, "not the time, you blithering idiot. You never know when to shut up."

His face contorted in confusion, but he retreated.

I scanned the room. Everyone was watching me. I didn't want to be here, where anyone that I didn't hate hated me, so I rushed out and down the corridor; the same corridor that I had walked down for the past six years, but it didn't feel like home anymore.

Princess Midnight and the Son of the Moon (Draco Malfoy fanfic){Completed}Where stories live. Discover now