Not an update!!!

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I'm a new author on Wattpad and this book has been so much fun to write. I am now done with the book and there will be a second book coming out soon, it will be called The Troublesome Twins, for those of you who have read my book you will already know who the twins are. At the end of this book there will be a paragraph explaining what the next book will be about. I hope you guys enjoy this book. 

For those of you who are new here, I'm Cai-Lin and I am so grateful that you took the time to read this and hopefully you will continue reading this book if it is in your interest and if it's not, you can either comment on my page or you can comment after this in the comments section telling me what books I should write. 

Also both new and old readers, I have different books on my page and I was wondering if you guys could check them out, yes I know they're not fully updated but I have been so focused on giving the readers what they want for this book (more updates!!!!). Yes I am going to be doing some editing of all the chapters and adding different parts to my other stories. 

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