Forget About It; All Time Low Fic

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          Shay’s eyes fluttered open to the sound of someone playing guitar their faint voice echoing she threw the covers back a smile on her face seeing Sebastian curled next to her side she stroked his head looking around the dark room as her eyes squinted she noticed Alex on the patio with a pencil between his lips paper in front of him only meaning he was working all night, she climbed out of the bed tip toing quietly across the room opening the glass door seeing he had on head phones once he had seen me he took them off putting down the pencil a smile on his face wrapping his arms around my waist, our foreheads touched as I straddled his lap his lips gently pressed against mine, they fit perfectly.

Alex and I we’ve had our differences in life we have both lost someone very close to us I had lost my mom back when I was 10 in a bad car accident they say I was the lucky one to have survived it, I felt him sigh against my lips as his fingers laced between my fingers he pulled back, a smile planted across his lips.

“Good morning.” Alex whispered.

Shay smiled, “Good morning.” She replied. “What are you working on?” she glanced over at the paper that was placed on the table it was scattered in different places, a smile on his face as he rested his hands on either of her knees.

“It’s something for you, it’s not fully finished.”

“Well I can’t wait to hear it” she backed off his lap now fully standing in front of him. “Do you want any breakfast? I’m sure Jack and Roo have rampaged the kitchen.” Alex laughed.

“How about we both say fuck breakfast and get back into bed?”

Alex stood up picking Shay up making a small squeal escape her lips as her legs wrapped around his waist carrying her back inside gently lying her back down onto the bed pressing his lips gently onto hers, he slowly crawled back into the bed hovering Shay as his hands glided up her shirt his lips left her own leaving this velvety cake taste flavor upon her lips as he sent kisses down her neck, she bit her lower lip tilting her head back slightly as she felt his hands glide back down to the waist line of her pajama pants suddenly there was a knock on the door only allowing a groan to escape from Alex’s lips.

“WAKE UP! STUDIO IN A HOUR!” Jack shouted.

Alex grumbled, “Why did we agree for them to move in?”

Shay chuckled, “Because their our best friends and we couldn’t live without them.” She replied with a smile. “Now go get ready it always takes you an hour to get ready.” He grinned standing up.

“It has to; I have to look extra sexy for you and the fans.”

“Go, I’ll go make breakfast.” She wiggled away from his grip.

“Love you!” Alex shouted as Shay walked out of the room.

“Love you too!” Shay shouted back walking down the stairs entering the kitchen noticing Jack and Roo already in there their eyes landed on Shay as she entered the kitchen.

“Took you long enough” Jack smirked.

“I don’t doubt they got it on effin rabbits” Roo said.

Jack busted out laughing suddenly stopping seeing the glare Shay was giving him, “And it’s all Jack’s fault.” Shay said with a grin as she started breakfast.

Roo jumped onto the counter glaring at Jack, “Morning sex… why don’t we do that?” She asked pouting.

Jack wiggled his eye brows, “Because we do it at night, and you never mentioned morning sex!” He said trying to defend himself.

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