Famous Youtuber (2)

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"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, touching my shoulder.

I nodded my head and mumbled, "Thankyou" I picked my back and moved away from him, walking away.

"That's it?" I heard.

I looked back and saw him raising his arms in air. I rolled my eyes and turned towards him. "Then what you want me to say? Omg thank you for saving my life or... Or I'm your biggest fan! Right? That's what you expect?" I sassed. He put his hands in his front pocket and shrugged his shoulders.

"I mean, honestly I was kinda expecting that." He chuckled.

"Well, then you didn't meet your one of the fan. You just saved your hater." I smiled at him and turned my back. I was walking on the side of street when I felt someone walking behind me. I turned to look and only meet him.

"Are you a stalker now?" I crossed my arms. He chuckled, "Am I that creepy?" "Maybe" I smirked and again started to walk. He came towards me and put on his hood and mask. "You know, you are a really interesting girl. I have never seen a one like--" "-Me?" I cut him off. He nodded. "Why are you then following me?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "I don't know. Maybe, I want to know you and possibly remove that hate feelings."

I stopped and looked at him. "You are really annoying"

I walked past him but he again came, walking beside me. "What's you name?" I asked. "Why should I tell a stranger my name?" "I ain't a stranger to you, Missy" He said and chuckled. We came across the pop's and stopped.

"Come on, Let's eat something" He said.

"Seriously! Like you aren't gonna go? You know, I can scream right here about who you are and you will be soon flooded with crazy girls!"

He came closer to me and put his mask under his chin. "And I know, you wont do it." He said and put the mask back on it's place. "You don't know me?" I crossed my arms. He chuckled and walked towards the diner. "Let's go! I'm really hungry" He said, walking inside. I groaned but followed him.


"That's freaking good! I haven't had a burger like this before" He moaned, taking another bite.

I giggled and sipped my milkshake. We were sitting in the far most booth, so he was able to remove his mask and eat comfortably. He heard me giggling and smirked at me.

"What?" I asked.

He wiped his mouth with paper napkin and shook his head. "Nothing" He said bit kept smiling. I rolled my eyes and looked at the time. "Ah! I need to go. Thanks for saving me back there. I really appreciate it." I said genuinely. He smiled and nodded his head. "Finally, fine words from your mouth" He chuckled. I stood up from my seat and pulled myself out of the booth. "And now, Bye!" I said walking to the counter and paying the bill.

I was walking on the silent street when I heard something.

"Hey Blondie"

I turned my head and looked at Jughead. I rolled my eyes and spoke, "Now, what?" He didn't said anything but handed me my phone. "You left back there in pop's" "Ohh!" I said, taking it from him and looking back at him "thanks again" I smiled. He chuckled. "Anytime. Hope to see you again, Betty!" He said and walked away.

I realised he used my name. My phone buzzed and I looked down and saw new message from Jughead.

"Okay now don't ask me how and why!! Okay"

"Turns out to be, I want to know you more. How about another meeting at pop's tomorrow. I can't really miss another burger."


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