Chapter 30

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(Still Jamie's P.O.V)

It had been probably 3 hours since I'd been back home, and Levi still wasn't back. I was getting worried, thinking maybe he'd gotten into trouble or something. So, I called him.. No answer. I clicked the 'end call' button and sat the phone back on the bed. Where is he?

My emotions were all crazy as is, and this wasn't helping anything. I just kept calling and calling, hoping he'd pick up. Just as I was about to go looking for him, he walked into the living room carrying grocery bags. ''Oh my gosh.. You're okay.'' I rushed to him and wrapped my arms around him tightly. I felt him release the plastic bags and place his arms around me, too. ''What do you mean? I was just at the store.. Picking up some stuff for the baby.'' ''Huh?'', I looked at him, confused. He motioned to the bags, and I started looking through them. Bottles, diapers, binkies, bibs, toys.. ''Levi, how much did you spend on all of this?'', I asked. ''Don't worry about it, Jamie'', he said. I felt tears forming into my eyes, and I just leaned up and pressed my lips against his. When we pulled apart, Levi saw that the tears had started running down my cheeks.

''What's wrong?'', he asked. I shook my head, ''Nothing.. I'm just.. happy.'' He smiled and kissed me again. ''Can we just go lay in bed and watch movies for a few hours?'', I asked, staring into his blue eyes. ''Sure'', he nodded and followed me off to the bedroom.

Haley's P.O.V

''Adam'', I whined, ''I'm boreddddd..'' Adam rolled his eyes, ''You're always bored.'' I watched as he chewed on the end of his glasses and stared down at his phone. ''Ughhh. I'm tired, too!'', I continued with my rant. ''What do you want to do then?'', he asked, looking up from his screen. I shot him a michevious look and got off of the bed. Walking over to him, I pulled his glasses from his hands and put them on. ''How do I look?'', I posed. ''You look great, now can I have them back?'', Adam asked, extending out his hand. I adjusted the glasses and looked in the mirror. ''You know.. I think that's going to be a problem, because I really like these.'' ''So that's how it's gonna be?,'' he asked, ''Well challenge accepted.''

Adam pulled me down onto his lap and pressed his lips against mine. I had no intent on resisting him, because you know, it's Adam after all. ''It's not going to work,'' I say between kisses. He grunted as a way of saying 'yes it is', and continued kissing me. Everything quickly heated up, and soon we were in a full on make out session. One of his hands slowly went up my back, and the other rested on my cheek. As he went to grab the glasses, I pulled back from the kiss. ''Nope,'' I say, ''Can't have em.'' ''Ugh,'' he mumbled and leaned his head back, ''Why do you have to be so difficult? Just give me the glasses back.'' I rolled my eyes, ''Fine!'' I gave the glasses back and pouted. ''Good girl,'' Adam smiled and kissed my cheek as he slipped the glasses on.

I got off his lap and laid back down on the bed. Staring up at the white ceiling, I began examining the designs above me. Man, I really am bored.. Then, out of no where, I got a text from Jamie saying to meet her at the hospital. ''Jamie's having an ultrasound and she wants us to come.. She says she's going to find out the sex of the baby,'' I said as I scanned over the text. ''When?,'' Adam asked. ''Right now! So we gotta hurry up and get outta here!'' I jumped off the bed and pulled him out of the chair. ''Why didn't she tell us sooner?'', Adam says as he stretches. ''It's Jamie we're talking about here.'' He rolled his eyes and followed me down the stairs.

Jamie's P.O.V

Before I knew it, I was laying down on a hospital bed having the cool gel rubbed onto my belly. Haley and Adam stood in the corner of the room, and Levi of course was at my side, holding my hand. His hand was unusually sweaty, and I couldn't help finding it funny. You could tell he was anxious to know how the baby was, and I couldn't blame him. ''So you do want to know the gender?'', the nurse asks. We both nodded. ''Well,'' she smiled, ''You're having a baby boy.'' That's when the tears really started flowing. I looked up to Levi to see he was crying, too. ''We're having a son,'' he smiled. ''I know.''

Later when we got back home, things really started sinking in. This living, growing child I've been carrying inside me is my son.. and in a few months, I'm going to be a mother. And one day he's going to grow up, and get married, and have his own kids and.. All the thoughts rushed through my mind and I felt tears streaming down my cheeks like before. Levi noticed and walked over to me. ''What's wrong?,'' he asked. I shook my head and smiled, ''It's nothing.'' He sighed, ''I know... It's all coming together now, isn't it? He's really ours, we're really going to be parents.'' I nodded and closed my eyes, releasing more tears. ''I'm going to be a dad in a few months.. and a living, breathing person is going to depend on me completely. I'm not going to lie, it's scary coming into this a beginner, but I know we will make it through this.. We've made it through everything else, haven't we?,'' Levi says. ''Yes.. but it just all seems so real now.. and I don't know if I'm ready yet.'' ''Can you really be ready for something like this?'' I didn't look at him, unsure of what to say. ''But you have to trust that we will make it through this.. And that we're going to be the best parents in the world to our son.'' His words made me smile, and this time I did look at him. ''There's no one else in this world I'd rather experience this with, you know that right?'' He nodded, ''I know.'' As his arms wrapped around me, I sighed into his chest. ''I love you, Levi..'' ''I love you, too, Jamie.''

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