10: Baby Baby :)

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I'm now looking nine months and due any minute, Ben looks like a 10 year old. I sigh and find an outfit. I put on a skirt and a jumper with knee high boots. I loosely curl my hair and light make up. I see Ben walk out of his room, dressed. "Mom, is Leah coming?" asked Ben. "Of course" I said. I rub my stomach and hand Ben cereal. He digs in and I give him some animal blood. I smile and he tucks in. Jasper walks in with blood bags of animal blood. He pours some into a cup and in it goes to my stomach. I sigh. "I cannot wait for this baby to come out but it feels weird" I said. "I know" said Jasper. As we walk back, I feel weird. 

Jasper picks me up and rushes me to the house. He lies me on the ground and Carlisle walks in. "Leah has Ben, OK let's do this" said Carlisle. I nod and begin to push. A baby soon comes out and I smile. "A girl! Oh shit there is another head!" said Carlisle. I push again and another baby comes out. "A girl" said Carlisle. I smile. Jasper takes baby A and I take baby B. "Wow.... twins. Baby A.... Evangelina Rae Hale and baby B... Celeste Nina Hale." I said. Jasper nods and kisses me. I kiss back. 

Bella comes in. "Twins, wow" said Bella. "yeah two" I said. Ben walks in. "Two sisters!" said Ben. I nod and he hugs me. He kisses their heads and smiles. "We have three kids" I said. "We do, three" said Jasper. Jasper hugs me and sits beside me. "Wow, this is amazing. We have our love, our kids and family" said Jasper. "We have, our life is great but for how long?" I ask. "No clue but we will be happy" said Jasper.

The remainder of the day, we just enjoy the rest of the day with three kids. Ben goes to bed at 8 and we just let the girls sleep in the cots in our room. We just relax, feed and change the girls.

We're perfect for now. 

I hope you enjoy this!

Lorna xx

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