Twenty six

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The door swung open and Levi walked back into the classroom, his skin looking paler than usual for some reason. I looked at him, but he didn't look back, instead, he immediately took his seat behind his desk. He continued to work behind his laptop, acting as if nothing happened.

By now, almost everyone was done with the test. Including Eren and me. I bit my nails and sighed as I waited for Levi to tell everyone to stop working on the test.

''Is he okay?'' Eren whispered and leaned into my direction. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders, ''I don't know. What do you think happened?''

''Maybe Erwin found out?'' there it was again, anxiety. I felt the uncomfortable feeling built up in the pit of my stomach at the thought of Erwin finding out. What if he told Levi today is his last day here? Did he get fired? Maybe.

''Drop your pens and bring your answer sheet here'' Levi said with a face as stoic as ever. People gradually started to stand up and bring their papers to Levi, placing it on his desk. I also stood up and put my paper on his desk. I stood there a little longer, hoping he'd at least look at me but he didn't. He didn't give me any attention whatsoever. I bit my bottom lip and walked back to my seat.

''He's ignoring you, isn't he?'' Eren asked and I nodded slowly.

''Looks like it''

''Something shit must have happened. I'll beat Erwin up!''

''What?'' I giggled as I saw Eren hold both his hands up, balling his fists to look more aggressive as a grin was plastered on his face. I giggled at the sight and Levi's voice sent chills down my spine.

''Everyone, leave, now. It's time to get your ass to lunch''

I sighed and grabbed my bag, swinging it over my shoulder and taking a glance at Levi, who was still ignoring me. Had I done something wrong?


I watched my students leave. I looked at Y/N who walked next to Eren and left the classroom. I couldn't look at Y/N right now, I simply didn't know what to do. I looked up and folded my arms in front of my chest as I stared at the two men who now stood in front of my desk.

''Is this supposed to be intimidating?'' I scoff at their weak attempt of trying to come off as threatening.

''We know you're fucking Y/N,'' Jean grinned as he elbowed Reiner's arm softly as if he said something remotely funny.

I didn't budge and stared into Reiner's eyes, ''what makes you think I would give any of my students that kind of special treatment?''

''Pay a little more attention to your surroundings, mister Ackerman,'' Jean spoke, ''I saw you holding her hand last Saturday. You two even kissed. My eyes don't lie''

''What a joke,'' I say lowly, ''can't you come up with something better?''

''Then why would you punch me, sir?'' Reiner said as he pointed at his swollen face, ''do you think I'm an idiot? I know it was you.''

''Wouldn't want my hands to get filthy''

''Come on, Reiner. The old man isn't going to give in. Let's see if the principal will believe us.''

My eyes widen slightly and I clear my throat. So they didn't tell him? Honestly, I have no idea what to do. Erwin certainly won't like their story, especially because he's already suspicious of me. If these two idiots spread it through the school Y/N will face more rumours about her and she doesn't deserve that.

''Or, we could friendly ask mister Ackerman to stay the fuck away from my girl,'' Reiner suggests and I look away. If I have to see his fucking face any longer I might just kill him. I hear Jean chuckle as he agrees with Reiner.

''We'll give you one chance. You blow it? The whole school's going to know how Y/N is having sex with her teacher and you'll lose your job. Where do you think you can work then? Pervert.'' Reiner hisses as he takes a step closer to me.

''Let's go, Jean'' he says before closing the door. ''Fuck'' I whisper to myself and sit down behind my desk as I rub my eyes with my hands. I don't know if I can tell Y/N, she'll probably panic, like usual. I don't want to make her feel like shit.



''Finally, time for food'' Kurumi mumbled as we walked into the lunch hall. People were walking around with trays of food in their hands and some were walking around with glasses filled with water. I took a tray of food and we sat down at a table.

''Does anyone know what the principal wanted with Levi?'' Kaguya asked and looked at me, hoping I'd know the answer to her question. I shook my head, letting her know I didn't know a single thing, I wish I did.

''If Erwin knows, I'm killing him''

''Not again, Eren!'' I yelled and hit the back of his head, laughing. He rubbed the back of his head and laughed as well. The doors of the lunch hall opened and Levi walked into the room. My eyes didn't leave him. Some students looked at him, some giggling while he walked by and some just staring at him since rumours were already spreading.

That was the most annoying thing at this school. All those damn unnecessary rumours all the time.

However, Levi didn't spare to take a look at me. He simply took a tray of food and a cup of tea and sat down next to Hange, who excitedly started to talk to him. Their table wasn't far away, I could hear everything they were saying because of the volume of their voice.

''Y/N!'' Hange suddenly yelled, ''come sit with us. I need to tell you something funny!''

𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘣𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 〆 Levi Ackerman x Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now