6. USB-Stick

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But i couldn't stop myself from wondering why that black beanie dead bod- eh i mean Adam was rolling his fucking eyes at me....

As i walked up the narrow dark street that led to my house i spottet two police cars.

"Fuck!" i mumbeld to myself
"Not again..."

Running towards my front door of my apartement one police officer blocked my way.

"Not so fast young lady. We are investigating right now."

Young lady my ass!

"Buy i live here! I need to get my stuff."

But the officer ignored me.

Shit they are about to search the whole apartement. I need to do something bevor they find it. NOW.

"But mister officer..." I looked at his nametag.
"Mister officer Bauer...Pleeease" widening my eyes letting it fill with tears.

"I just came back from school and i don't know whats going on. I'm really scared"

Please buy it
Please buy it

"Uh... Ah ehm no, no need to be scared. Ok go in take your stuff and come out as quick as you can before my boss comes do you understand?"


I got in walked past the police who were occupied with the colset in the room of my parents. I got to my desk and opend the little secret compartement. i got the USB- stick and shoved it into my bag. But then i froze...

I don't want to do it. I can't do it. I should not do it. I should just let the stick here so the police find it... let it all go down. let it come to an end....B-but i can't.
Why can't i fucking do it?!

As i ran towards the front door my relief started to sink in.

Ok i'm almost out. Just a couple of steps left...Thats it-

"Who is this Bauer? And why is the in the apartement in the middle of the search?"

My heart fell almost out if my chest. It's the boss of that bauer officier.

"Well we can't let you leave without searching your bag."


"Y-Yes o-of c-course..."

Get it together Lou.

I hand him the bag over, acting like nothing is happening. He than proceeds to search the bag...

"Ok here you go. All clear. Have a nice day." the the officer said.

As i walked out the apartement i saw my parents standing on the street and walked up to them.

"I got it" I said in arabic.

"good job" my father replied relived also in arabic.

The police ended the search at the apartment and left. Of course they didn't find anything.

My siblings came back from school. My father than proceeds to talk to my mother in the living room, ordering my sibling and I to go to our room.

"How did you do it?" Rayyan asked me.

With a big grin on my face i got the USB-Stick out of my bra.

"Shiiit genuis!" Rayyan said with an amazed face expression.

Then we overheard my parents. They argued ...again like they always do.

"Don't you dare try to give me excuses!" My mother said.

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