Not Alone

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"Find him. Find him. Fives. Find him! FIVES!"

Ahsoka had no chance to even try and comprehend what was happening. 

Get out of here! she told herself. Whatever you do, don't hurt them! They can't possibly know what they're doing.

She had never felt such fear as she did while she was deflecting the blasts being shot at her. 

Shot at her by clones.

By Rex.

Her brother.

She focused on her lightsabers, using them as something to anchor herself in the moment. If her mind wandered, she might not be able to make it out of here alive...


"What have I done," Anakin cried in a hushed voice. He was breaking in two.

Light and dark.

Good and evil.

For so long, the light had always won his constant internal battle, but now... the darkness was beginning to make itself more clear.

After all, every light casts a shadow.

It's for Padme, he reminded himself. You would do anything for Padme... that's why you're doing this. For Padme.

Yes, he was doing this out of love, not anger. Therefore, he had still not betrayed the Jedi.

You've been betraying the Jedi for years, and you know it, he reminded himself. With your attachments... the order deserves to die.

His mind sifted through the bonds he'd created- the attachments he'd made.

Padme- the most important one to him... his wife. The reason that he was doing this. He would go to the ends of the galaxy for her. He was going to save her- even if that meant going against everything that he believed in.

Ahsoka- he had never thought it possible to become so close with another Jedi- especially one who was supposed to be serving as his student. She had left him... but she had come back. He loved her like she was his own sister. He would-

His mind stopped racing. As his thoughts had drifted to Ahsoka, something had happened. Their bond opened.

In moments, he was flooded with fear- so much terror.

But something else came through their bond too- light.

Anakin... happening... don't know... clones... brother... help...

Ahsoka was trying to communicate with him, he could feel it. Her words were muffled by her fear, but he knew that she needed him.

And so he ran.

He had one thought in mind.

Save her.

Only, there were now two 'her's to save...


Tears of fear sparkled in her eyes as she narrowed them in determination. She had done everything she could to send her message to Anakin.

As the ship came out of hyperspace, she could swear that she felt his presence on board.

Impossible, she scolded herself. She knew that her fear had blocked out too much of her words when she contacted him through their bond.

She felt a hand tap her shoulder, and she almost yelled... but she didn't.

Anakin stood behind her, his eyes flickering dangerously between blue and yellow. He placed a metal finger over his lips.

Ahsoka narrowed her eyes at him.

"Why are your eyes changing to a Sith color," she whispered, her voice low and shaky. His eyebrows knit together in a look of shame.

"No time to explain," he mumbled back. She gave him a suspicious look before turning her back to him, peeking around the corner. She stumbled back into his chest.

"They're coming."

Anakin gestured for her to follow him as they ran on their tiptoes down the small hallway. They stopped in front of a small engine room.

"Get in the vent," Anakin hissed.

"What about you?"

"I won't fit. Just do as I said."

"I'm not leaving you!" Ahsoka whisper yelled, finally forcing herself to make eye contact with him.

And then everything was happening at once.

A blaster was firing.

Three lightsabers had activated.

Ahsoka felt Anakin shoving her into the small opening of the vent with the Force.

"JUST GO! GET OUT OF HERE!" he screamed, deflecting the blasts.

"NO! NOT WITHOUT YOU!" she screamed back, jumping down to help him.

They were closing in around them.

They couldn't go on for much longer.

Anakin was the first one to take a hit.


By the time Obi-Wan had found them, both of their bodies had gone cold and rigid with the bitter bite of death.

He closed his eyes as he knelt before them, placing his own warm hand over their interlaced fingers. Two tears dampened the floor below him. They were followed by many more.

He was completely, and utterly alone.

At least they weren't when it happened... 

Ok well I took order 66 away in one of the other one shots, so  I HAD to bring it back to even it out...

I'm so sorry

Am I the only one who starts screaming like a maniac when Rex starts shooting Ahsoka and the music starts playing... like I don't cry for some reason (i rly don't cry for movies and shows it's weird), I just start yelling and screaming incomprehensible things because PAIN.

anyway, have a good night!

And pleeeease tell me someone caught the captain America reference.

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