Chapter 27: confrontation

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how did my reads go up while i literally didn't upload anything???? y'all are outta ur minds but ily hoes <3

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how did my reads go up while i literally didn't upload anything???? y'all are outta ur minds but ily hoes <3

also, follow me on insta @/yohocopo14 and my tiktok is @/yohocopo. i haven't set either of them up yet, so just give me some time to figure out what y'all wanna see from me on there :D

[unedited for the most part, sorry loves]
2900+ words :)


I climbed the ladder leading to the roof to eat my lunch because the cafeteria was too suffocating for me and I heard that some kid from class 1B was starting a fight. And he looks like he'd lose within two seconds tops.

Meaning, it wouldn't even be fun to watch and it'd be too mean to bet against him because, I mean, have you met the guy? Poor dude doesn't even know how to tie his own damn shoes much less win a fight.(no shade monoma but at the same time, yes i am shading u)

I was almost at the top when I heard a familiar voice. I took a peak to see who it was and I saw Shinso talking with Uraraka-san.

I felt dread bubble up inside me, but I couldn't help my curiosity. I don't think they've ever really talked before, but they seemed deep in a conversation because Uraraka-san was flailing her hands around and Shinso's eyebrows were furrowed.

"-YOU DID WHAT?!" Uraraka-san's high pitched voice could be heard from where I hid on the ladder.(wow description is just magical good job cath).

Shinso only nodded slowly while leaning on the railing keeping people from falling off the insanely high roof.

Considering how bad the mental health of heroes can be, especially heroes in training, I'm always confused as to why they built the building so fucking high. It's like they're presenting the perfect opportunity for people to just, leave the simulation, y'know?

Uraraka only shook her head, "I'm not as close to her as you, but I know that she's been having a hard time these days..."

My eyebrows furrowed. Were these idiots talking about me at my own lunch spot?? Common sense?? We obviously don't know her??

"I know, but I thought she would, y'know, like me, too."

Uraraka-san's jaw dropped to the dirty cement floor.

"Dude. She literally has the entire country flaming her right now and you showed up, confessed, and left her with no one to talk to."

I nodded. She understands me. I wiped a imaginary tear and sniffed quietly. She deserves to be a homie.

Shinso muttered something I couldn't hear, but I could tell it wasn't good because the very calm, adorable Uraraka-san began shouting.

"You were her rock. No one at this school is as close to her than you are and you left her alone when she needs you the most all because what? SHE DOESN'T WANT THE COUNTRY TO HATE YOU TOO?!"

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