ೃ⁀➷ force

369 5 2

✎ his wings matched her tears perfectly in colour.


"reports now in, the Vigilante; Kaguya has recently saved four villians from endeavours grasp. The female was only spotted for a few moments and was seen to have the same four horns we always see of her. Will we ever know who she is? Come back after the brea-"

You sigh, the media and public eye were something you never really enjoyed as a younger self. You soon started to see the obsession with it, as you gained your own.. Yours was just a bit different.

Every villain you'd save from a hero you'd strike a pose for the press, or you'd wear something that would give Japan to talk about. It was just a way for you to have some fun while being a kind of bad guy.

You stood up and walked over to the edge of your office, which was kept rather tidy. It had white walls, some fake plants and a wooden desk sitting in the middle of the room. The TV in the corner of the room was always on, broadcasting the same channel. The channel that was usually the first to report of any villian attacks, then.. If the attack looked like it was going completely south. Y/n would step in and drag the villians out.

You were now sat on your window ledge, looking at the city below you. It was midday and the streets were booming with life. Cars flew past, families walked by. It was a sight you'd never get sick of seeing becuase.. quite frankly it's the only sight you ever see.

You'd never left the tower you work in, your office had a sofa in it that turned itself into a pretty cosy bed. It wasn't lonely nor was it weird, everyone in your office building knew that you were Kaguya, mainly becuase everyone in your office building were villians.

Yeah, on the outside the building was normal. Modern and pretty eco-friendly, the windows were reflective so you couldn't see in.. But it wasn't too suspicious considering you'd assume it's your average office building and not a multicenter for villans.

You were probably the most well known villian in the whole of the building, I mean you have had your name spread around every part of Japan almost everyday. You'd made headlines in the paper and there were blogs out there trying to debunk whether you were good or not.


you hear your name shouted from down the hall and you knew it was your time to shine. Grabbing your black hoodie, your mask and your weapon of choice today being your katana, you grabbed that. You sprang out of the building through the back entrance and pegged your way to the address you'd been told.

The ear-piece you had in rung. "Be careful, number two hero is there.. He's a big guy nothing you didn't handle yesterday though".

Your eyes widen at the realisation you could have to go into combat with the number 2 Pro hero- Hawks.

"DUMBASS!" You shout down your ear piece to the villain who was speaking to you from the HQ. "-I DIDN'T FIGHT ENDEAVOUR YESTERDAY I JUST GRABBED EM OUTTA THERE".

You were furious, this was a very powerful guy.. and you certainly weren't getting any further away from him by the second. You were almost approaching the area of the fight.

"Now, Let me te-" The villian was sweeped up into the air and carried to a nearby rooftop.

"Kaguya!" He said in relief "-I was gonna die to that dude. He's the number 2 yano".
He went on and on about how hawks could've nearly killed him while you healed his abdomen.

"I'm flattered you think so highly of me.." you hear a honeylike voice say from behind you. "I've never met you in person before, Kaguya. But may I say you are a fast kiddo aren't ya"

You turn around to see him. Of course it was him, hawks.
'my fuckin luck'

He couldn't really see your face, since the shadow over your hood was covering your eyes and the traditional Japanese mask covered all of your face.

"Pro Hero: Hawks. I assume?"
He smiled at your knowledge of him

"The mythical Kaguya, I assume?"

"Why assume when you already told me you know its me. You'd think bein a hero would put somit in your brain"

"we're cocky today aren't we. Take your hood down let me see, pinky promise I won't tell."

You roll your eyes, knowing he couldnt see it. You slowly lift your hands to your hood and lift it down revealing your irodecent eyes. Within milliseconds you raised your hand infront of you and flicked the air in the direction that hawks was. One of the horns on your head started glowing and then. Then, a huge wave of air came from the hand you flicked with, causing hawks to go so far back it may as well of been one of all mights punches.
"I hope to meet you again, Hawks".


a/n - as of the 19th of January (way past this was originally written) I decided to edit this chapter as some of the things I wrote didn't make sense. of course if your a new reader don't worry, it won't make a difference to you :))

word count : 942

red tears [hawks x femreader]Where stories live. Discover now