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Life in the leaf seemed like it was going back to normal, but that obviously wasn't the case.

Your week off was coming to a slow end, but you, surprisingly, couldn't wait to get back to doing small, regular missions, saving cats from trees, and teaching your students.

You were trying to act unfazed, and for the most part you were, but it pained you a bit to have broken off things with Zoko.

He was a great guy, but he wasn't wrong, you felt something for Kakashi, you had been, this whole time. Unfortunately, you hadn't had the guts to try and say something, and obviously you hadn't noticed it because you were too busy getting over first love.

"One spicy pork ramen with onions please." You said as you took a seat on a stool at Ichiraku's.

"Coming right up!" The owners daughter said with a smile before walking off.

"No saké this time? It must be serious."

"Haha, very funny Jiraiya." You replied dryly.

The white haired Sage took a seat beside you.

"How have you been, (Y/N)?"

"Wow. No smooth thighs jokes? It must be serious." You mocked.

He chuckled and threw an arm around your shoulder.

"Don't be too mad kiddo, I'm just here to talk with you."

"Aren't you always?" You asked, bowing your head in thanks when your meal was brought.


"Look, I know this is going to sound a bit annoying, but how are you, really?"

"We'll. Aside from technically being kidnapped, almost assassinated, and being broken up with, I'm pretty great."

Jiraiya gave a concerned look.

"I'm really sorry (Y/N). I know finding my out about your parents must've been hard. Now you're probably questioning your whole identity, and you're confused, but just know, that who you feel like, is who you are. If you want to be (Y/N) (L/N), be her. If you want to be Kyungmi Uchiha/Xi be her. You could even be (Y/N) (L/N) Kyungmi Uchiha Xi. Just don't lose yourself because of your past. It hurts. Your parents are gone, trust me, I know, but keep on being yourself. Not for them, or him, but for you."

You didn't realise how much you needed to hear that, but it helped.

"As for Zoko. He was a great guy, I know. A catch that one."

You gave him a, 'You're not helping dumbass' look.

"Right, but, I already told you, I know a great Silverfish for you, and it seems I was right. You clearly want a taste of Kakashi Hatake."

Your face deepened in red colour.

"Kami Please fuck. Off!!"

"But you know it's true."

"Did you see what happened the first time I tried to rush into a relationship? I just broke up with Zoko." You griped.

"Yes, but Zoko was a rebound. You already had feelings for Kakashi, there was a difference."

"Whatever it may be, this time, I'm not in any rush."

"So you're admitting you'd date Kakashi?"

"What!? No, I-"

"Great, that's all I needed to hear. Have a good day smooth thighs." He winked before walking off.

"Fuck you old man!"


You finally went home after having your ramen.

You couldn't finish it properly after what Jiraiya said.

He had a knack for making you think, and you hated it because he never thought. He was like an over grown Naruto with spur of the moment genius points.

You reached the front door and your heart nearly flew from your chest.

"Sasuke! What are you doing here." Your hand went to your chest in attempts to sooth your erratic heartbeat.

"Sensei..." He stood up and bowed.

"Can we talk?"

You observed his expression.

Serious, as usual, but hints of determination were also there.

"Alright, come inside then." You said, opening the door and allowing him to follow you in.

You both sat down on opposite couches and you offered to make some tea, to which he declined politely.

"Sensei. Are you really a Uchiha?"

You slowly nodded.

"My father was a Uchiha. My mother was a Xi, hence my relation to the Xi family."

He nodded.

"I see..."

You looked at him and then thought for a moment.


He nodded again.

"We're related. Do you happen to know in which way?"

You shook your head.

"Me neither. But I'm sure we could find out someway or another. Regardless, you're my only family left now, and I'm yours, so, I was wondering if..."

You looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

Was he...Nervous?

"Perhaps if you'd let me live with you?"

You were surprised at his question.

He seemed like someone who enjoyed independence, so request was kind of odd to you.


"You don't have to say yes, I know you're still quite young and having a teenager around might be a hard responsibility."

He was wise beyond his years...

But you couldn't possibly turn him down.

He was your family after all, your true family. You felt like he was your responsibility.

"Alright Sasuke. Don't worry, I'll take care of you."

Love Like A Medicine(Kakashi X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora