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(A/N: I would once again like to apologize for not updating in a long time, I had some personal issues going on and I needed to take a little time off to take care of them, but I'm back. I've also been working on some other Fan Fiction to release after this so please stay tuned. Thanks again for all the support and love you give, it makes my day.🎀💓💓💓🎀


What had he just said!?

You shoved the pervy sage to the side.

"As if!"

But for some reason you could feel your heart beat speeding up at an unhealthy pace.

Your cheeks also began to colour.

Jiraiya looked at you and a smile etched it's way onto his face.

"Oh really~?" He smirked and wiggled his eye brows.

You clutched your chest.

Why we're you even feeling this way? You may not have hated Kakashi anymore, but liking was a different thing entirely.

You brushed him off.

"Don't make things up Jiraiya. What if he had heard you?"

"Even better! Then you two could get it on and give me inspiration for my books, plus I'll be the God Father of your mini Kakashi's, you can even name one after me!"

He was getting too ahead of himself already.

"W-what!? No!!"

"Why are you stuttering then? Hm?"

A tick mark appeared on your forehead and you punched Jiraiya for the 3rd or 4th time on that mission.

"Ow! Alright! Sorry! Why are you so strong, you literally have the build of an Ara Ara girl!"




"Tomorrow Yoai will be playing at our expected concert now that we've arrived at our destination. As you know, this is where your mission ends, however, as compensation for protecting us, we're allowing you to come and enjoy our show for free." Ryoko said.

Naruto fist pumped.

"Yeah! Free music!"

"Whatever." Sasuke said calmly.

Sakura squealed excitedly as well.

"Yay! Senseis' can we please go? Pleaaaasee?"

Your students all looked at you expectantly(save for Sasuke whole remained stoic).

You shrugged.

"Well I don't see the problem."

You looked at Kakashi who nodded.

"Yay! Best parents ever!" Naruto said.

Jiraiya smiled.

"Thank goodness, I was afraid if have to beg too, do you know how many hot women you can meet at a concert? My book will be filled with inspiration!"

You looked at him with disgust.

"You're a Grown.Man."

Love Like A Medicine(Kakashi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now