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A Few Hours Earlier.

Being a ninja was the life path Naruto never regretted choosing, especially since his very own parents had sacrificed their lives for the leaf as well.

His love for the village was one of the few things that even kept him going.

The Ramen loving boy had just been on his way to Ichiraku's, debating about how to get a free bowl out of the owner. His eyes widened in surprise when he recognized the profile of one of his fellow ninja.

"Shika! Hey! Hey Shikamaru!!" He broke into a run, attempting to get to the other male as soon as possible.

Shikamaru groaned internally, already feeling tired from just the thought of how this encounter was going to go.
Meanwhile, Naruto had finally reached him and was beaming an overjoyed smile.

"Heyyy Shika! How's it goingggg?"

If he was being real, Naruto wasn't his favorite person, heck he could never be, at least not in this life. The blonde was loud, obnoxious, and frankly, a tad too excited all the time for Shikamaru. He had a very chill vibe, so naturally, he liked people who were relaxed and just went with the flow.

"S'okay." He shrugged in non-chalance. He continued his walk towards Ichiraku in the same manner he had been. Naruto followed like a lost puppy, chattering away about some random thing he found exciting. Meanwhile, Shikamaru has been trying to figure out a way to get rid of him.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea came to mind. Well, sort of brilliant.

"Hey Naruto, you're hungry, right?"


"Hey! Guys! I'm so glad you could make it!"

Sakura and Sasuke stood at the training grounds beneath a tree, unamused expressions on their faces. It was their day off, why the hell would they want to be at the place they saw 24/7?

Once Naruto reached them both, he slowed slightly.

"Hey...Why do you guys look so upset? I literally brought food for us, look! Admittedly, it'd be nice if Mom-Sensei and Kakashi-Sensei were here to share with us but don't worry, I'll save some for them too! Now let's eat!"

Sakura's brows furrowed.

"Naruto please tell me you didn't actually bring us all the way out here for some brownies." She placed a hand on her temples.


Even Sasuke looked annoyed at the stupidity of the suggestion, he had wanted to do some light reading and get some cleaning done before his moth-Sensei returned home to surprise her. Naruto had better not been wasting his time or else.

"But you guys, these aren't just any brownies, they're Mrs.Nara's brownies. So stop being so mad and just try them first. You know you can't resist her baking."

Sakura and Sasuke shared a look (surprisingly) of apprehension before each taking one from the bag. Naruto also took one and they all ate at the same time.

The taste of coconut shavings, caramel and chocolate flooded their tastebuds and they all melted. The taste was heavenly. Well...almost, there was a slight tangy taste that just seemed a bit....off.

However, Sasuke seemed to notice as both Naruto and Sakura had already reached into the bag and pulled out yet another one. Surprisingly, Sasuke also found himself reaching into a bag and taking another one too.

And that's all it took for everything to go down hill.


The three students were sprawled out across the grass, literally.

Naruto gave a tired but wide smile, his eyes slightly red and glossed overall he turned to his equally gone comrades.

"Guys....., did you know eating a lollipop is just eating your flavored concentrated spit?"

Sakura gasped before rolling over and laughing.

"What! Naruto that's crazy! But you're like sooooo right!"

Sasuke stifled a weak chuckle from next tot the both of them, his mouth hanging agape.

"Oh Kami,....What were in those brownies...?" He knew he was far gone, but he just couldn't help it at this point.

"Dunno, you know, Shika said somethin' about edibles but then I left before he could even. Explain so...."

Sakura giggles, plucking at some grass. Her bloodshot eyes scanned over it, trying to disturb some poor bug's peace.

"Whatever~! Let's do something fun, anything! Like, hm....Do you still know how to do that sexy jutsu?"

"Of course I do! It'll just take a moment, cause, ya know..." he swatted his hand lazily, suddenly giggling at the shape of his nails.

"Yeah, I know!" She agreed aimlessly, laughing along with him.

Sasuke dryly laughed, getting mor confused by the minute as he tried to get ahold of himself but it was just so hard.

"Alright then! Let's go find Jiraiya Pervy Grandpa Sensei!" Sakura shot up but stumbled and fell back on her but.

Naruto literally screamed in panic.

"Sakura are you okay!?"

"I'm fine, don't worry-"

He cut her off when he started wiping tears,

"Don't die Sakuraaaaa."

Sasuke groaned ignoring the drama, "Jiraiya Pervy Grandpa Sensei is so long. We should shorten that nickname to something easier to remember. How absolutely JaiPervGrandSesame-I mean Sensei." He laughed to himself until the others joined in.

"Alright now let's go find JPGSesame-

"Sensieeee." Sasuke interrupted.

"Right! And have fun!" Sakura cheered.

And boy was that a bad idea.

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