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You failed to hide tears as your maids dressed you up in wedding attire and did your hair and makeup.

They placed gold jewelry on you, and heavy hairpins in your hair.

They shaded your lips with a Ruby colour and tightened your Kimono to be 'just right'.

"My lady, if you don't stop crying, we won't be able to cover the tear streaks with makeup."

You fought against them stubbornly.

"I don't want to wear your stupid makeup. I'm a ninja, not a doll, I don't need it."

"But my lady! Today you're getting married."

You glared at the maids who instantly bit their tongues, stepping back to bow their heads in respect.

"No. Today I'm getting sold. There's a difference."

They looked at each other in fear, but said nothing.

"Oh don't be so dramatic Kyungmi." Harui said, entering the room with a smile.

"What do you want? Haven't you given me enough hell already?"

"Believe it or not, dear cousin, I came to wish you good luck and farewell. You're so incredibly talented to have learned the ways of a young woman, there was no way I couldn't recommend to mother that we marry you to Lord Koneko. I heard he likes educated women. Although he must, since he Executes most of the law and punishment of the Hidden Cloud. Hope you don't mind hearing the screams of the tortured at night." She giggled.

"You-" You bit your tongue and swallowed. You wanted to cry all over again.

"Then again, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Who knows if you'll make it there safely?" She smiled just as her mother walked in.

"Kyungmi. It's time to go." She said.


The carriage ride was anything but fun. Your maids sat with you inside, your dowry following behind in wagons. Apparently, it was the wealth your parents left for you. You had to thank them for that, as it was quite hefty.

You laid your head against the wall, watching the scenery pass by, and soon, you drifted off to sleep.

"Kyungmi. We have to leave you here with your aunt and uncle for a bit. Be good okay?"

"But why can't I go with you and dad?"

The elder (H/C) woman smiled and patted her daughters head.

"It's not safe, okay sweetheart? We love you and we promise we'll be back soon."

"N-not safe? Then you shouldn't go either!"

Her father crouched down next to her and gave her head a firm pat, much like her mother had.

"It's only dangerous for you, not us. We'll be just fine, so don't worry." He pulled the both of them into a hug before turning to his brother in law.

"Please take care of our Kyungmi as long as we're gone."

Zendou nodded.

"Of course. No matter....How long it may take." He hid the worry in his eyes behind a smile and motioned to the young girl.

"Come now Kyungmi, your cousin Harui is outside playing, why don't you join her?"

With a final glance to her parents, the little girl turned to go, comfortrd by the smiles on her parents faces.

"Goodbye Kyungmi."

Days became weeks, and weeks, months, and soon enough, the little girl suspected something was wrong, so she went to ask her aunt and uncle.

"She's so talented at such a young age!"

"And such a beauty too!"

"Did you see what how quickly she was able to recite those poems with sure eloquence?"

The little girl looked to see many people near the Pavillion. There was no way she could talk to her aunt and uncle now.

"Oh! There she is! Kyungmi come here we were just speaking of you." Her aunt smiled and ushered her into the crowds of women.

"This is our lovely niece Kyungmi. Isn't she pretty?"

The women fawned over the young girls bashful appeal, her beauty, and her sweet demeanor.

Harui watched from afar. People no longer praised the youngest girl, but instead praised her cousin for everything. For her beauty. For her poise. For her talents. Harui wished she would leave.

"Oh! Harui! Wait up for me!" The (H/C) girl ran after her cousin as she left.

"What do you want?"

"I want to play with you, like we always do!" She smiled.

Harui rolled her eyes but thought for a second.

"Fine! Let's go!"

"Oh! Harui, hurry back with Kyungmi now, I want her to spend more time with our guests!" Her mother called to her.

Harui squinted. That should be her opportunity. Not Kyungmi's.

She walked alongside the lake with her cousin, onserving her secretly.

She wasn't even that pretty.

And she wasn't even that smart, she actually thought Kyungmi acted pretty stupid.

Her parents made her share with Kyungmi and always treated her special.

Who cared about her!? Harui was special too.

She was pretty, and talented too.

"Harui look! There's some pretty fish in the lake!" Her cousin smiled and pointed to a school of fish swimming nearby.

She was better. She was smarter. She was the one who deserved more attention too.

She wasn't going to share.


"Oh really? Then have a closer look!"
Before she knew what she was doing, Harui shoved the (H/C) girl into the water, a loud splash resonating from the impact.

Harui stepped back in surprise, but it quickly turned to fear when her cousin didn't come up for Air, or, to scream for that matter.

She waited a little longer before she ran off towards her house.

At least maybe now she'd be the only one who was special. Even if she no longer had a cousin.

You jolted awake, breathing heavily. It was all coming back to you now. Harui pushing you in the water, hitting your head on a rock-

That must've been why you couldn't remember anything, you hit your head too hard. The village elders found you and took you in, changing your name because you couldn't remember who you were....

You sat up in a panic.

If it was true that Harui tried to kill you the first time, that meant that-

Suddenly an arrow shot through the carriage window, just barely missing your face.

You quickly went to find a kunai.

She was definitely going to try and kill you now.

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