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"Naruto! Fix your posture, you look like you're on the verge of giving birth." You yelled from your spot under the tree.

"That's cause I'm hungry~!" The yellow haired ninja whines.

You looked at Kakashi.

"You're all still on punishment for the stunt you pulled last week." He said firmly.

"Oh come on......Mom~Sensei!!!" Naruto looked at you and you sighed, looking away.

You were beginning to like that nickname too much.

"Fine, just 1 more hour then you can take a break." You said.

All of your students sighed in relief.

"You're really weak for that name, aren't you?" 

You looked at Kakashi. You could practically hear the smile in his voice.

"Have a problem with that?" Your tone was stubborn, practically telling him to try you.

"No. I just find it interesting is all. Maybe even a little...Cute."

"Well of course you-Huh!?" You asked in shock.

"Y-you think-"

"Woo! Yeahhh! Sensei, get it, get it!!"

"2 hours for you Naruto."



"Mmmm, this Onigiri is so good!! It was worth the extra hours!"

"You're such a pig Naruto." Sakura said.

"You don't like the Onigiri, Sakura?" Sasuke asked, seemingly addressing her for the first time instead of it being vice versa.

"O-of course I do Sasuke! Im only referring to Naruto's terrible eating habits."

"Mom-Sensei! Sakura's bullying me again!"

You chuckled lightly and patted his head.

"Don't worry Naruto. Everyone had their addictions yours just happens to be food." You said with a smile.

He thought for a moment before his eyes lit up.

"Yeah! You're right! At least it isn't Erotica like Kakashi-Sensei's addiction."

Kakashi, who was trying to drown out the atmosphere by reading some Icha Icha, pointed his chopsticks at Naruto.

"At least my addiction is something I can afford to pay for without leaving other bills for everyone else. Isn't that right, Naruto?"

Sakura was almost rolling on the floor laughing, and even Sasuke couldn't help the chuckles that left his lips.

Naruto glared.

"Well at least....At least...At least you have enough money to do so. You always make us go on shitty team missions so of course we're gonna bring broke. We're not making much rescuing stupid tabby cats from trees, you know! When I'm Hokage someday, I'll be able to afford all the ramen in the world, and be able to say that I came from huble beginnings."

"You mean humble?" Sasuke pointed out.

"Shut up Sauce-Gay!"

You sighed, you knew the kids could be a tad headstrong, but it surprised you to hear Kakashi also arguing for once.

It seemed he had become a little more open with them too. Or, perhaps he just felt like acting childish for once.

"So (Y/N)-Sensei, when are we having dinner at your place again? My parents have been trying to get rid of me this whole week." Sakura said with a smile.

"I can see why..." Naruto muttered.

"Well I wasn't really planning on it but I may be able to manage this weekend."

"Yay! More delicious food!" Naruto fist pumped.

"Why are you two always exploiting sensei for food? She just brought us lunch and now you want dinner? Get your own parents." Sasuke said.

Sakura blushed in embarrassment but Naruto sighed looking down before looking up again with a plastered on smile.

"I just like her food, that's all!"

You elbowed Sasuke, giving him a look.

He groaned.

"Sorry Naruto..."

"You all should hurry up and finish eating, you still have training to do." Kakashi said.

Your students nodded quickly and began eating again.

Kakashi looked over at you.

"Hey (Y/N), thanks for cooking lunch, it's really good." He said.

You couldn't read his expression, obviously, but you knew somehow that he was smiling even if it was just a little bit.


Training had finally finished and you were doing some last minute planning for the next practice with Kakashi when Asuma and Kurenai approached you two.

"Hey guys!" Kurenai greeted you both cheerily.

Behind her, Asuma nodded in greeting, mmaking sure not to drop the blunt in his mouth.

"Hey Kurenai! Asuma!" You replied.

Kakashi nodded at them as a way of acknowledgement.

"Are you guys busy?" Kurenai asked, looking at the pieces of paper you had in front of you.

"We were finishing up some plans for the training tomorrow--"

"Not relatively." You said, cutting Kakashi off.

Kurenai looked at you both in confusion before clapping her hands together happily.

"Great! Then let's go, we're all having dinner tonight! It's a little Sensei get together."

Kakashi was desperately trying to give her a 'read the room' look to show that he was trying to be alone with you without saying so, but she didn't catch on to it, and to make matters worse, Asuma took it the wrong way.

"Hey Hatake. When's the last time you got laid? You're looking at Kurenai kind of funny."

You burst out laughing and Kakashi buried his face in his hands.

"Who'll be there?" You asked.

"Oh, you know, just us, and Gai." Kurenai giggled.

Kakashi looked up at the mention of his 'rival'.

"Oh Lord...My apologies but I don't think-"

"Alright, we'll go, right Kakashi?" You said with a smile, looking at him expectantly.

He swallowed before slowly nodding.

He couldn't believe he was doing this.

He better be getting the seat next to you if he's gonna tolerate the others.

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