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That would be an under statement of how you were feeling.

Perhaps this was a good thing.

Perhaps this was a really good thing.

Atleast now Saki wouldn't be sleeping with Kakashi.

And atleast Ryoko's plan was working.

Only one problem,

There was only one bed.




You, and Kakashi in one room. Breathing the same air. On the same bed.

Absolutely not.

"Why isn't there a couch!?" you grumbled as you paced the room.

Kakashi was way more relaxed than you. He was sitting on the bed, carefree and all, reading Icha Icha Paradise for like, the "gajillionth" time.

"(Y/N), is it really that bad if we share a bed?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes." You said bluntly.

'I keep thinking things about you that I shouldn't.'

"This is the perfect time for us to get to know each other. It seems as if we never talk and there's rarely any scenes of us exchanging dialogue in this book. I can't even tell if its even a Kakashi X Reader anymore."

"What the hell?"

"All casual wall breaks aside, we dont have to sleep exactly next to each other. Its not like we're doing anything, just talking."

You sighed and finally gave in, taking a seat on the bed next to Kakashi.

It was the first time in the full time that you'd met him, that you had actually taken time to study him(the parts you could see of course).

He had the stranges but shiniest silver hair that gleamed like moonlight, one onyx eye that could hold so much emotion, and so little at the same time, and a scar ran down his face. You didn't know where it ended, but you felt so compelled to touch where it started.

Before you could stop yourself, your hand had moved on it's own, and you begun tracing the juncture of where his scar began.

He allowed you to do this, as he was also studying you, staring at you silently.

You wondered what was going through his mind. He was such a mystery. All along you had never really known about him(save for him being a closet perv). He made you interested. Intrigued. He was....Alluring.

He didn't have to wonder what you were thinking though, because it didn't take long for you to voice your inner most thoughts.

"Kakashi....Who are you...?"

He was silent for a moment. He then took your hand that had been tracing his scar and held it in his own, his face moving closer to yours.

"You want to know about me, (Y/N)?"

For some reason his words made you so flustered. The way he said them...


"Hmm...Will you tell me about yourself aswell?"


"Then," He held your hand up, squeazzing it softly.

"Doesn't that make us friends?"



You nearly squeaked at the embarrassment you were feeling as you showered.

How could you be so bold!

You literally just asked Kakashi Hatake to spill his guts and all his inner secrets to you the previous night, and although you did most of the sharing, you still felt closer than ever to him. It was like whenever one of your students shared something about themselves with you, but this was better. Way better.

But why did you even want to be closer with him in the first place?

You were pretty sure that when this whole thing had started you were sure Kakashi was pure evil. So why did you care about him now?

You still didn't understand yourself so you decided to ignore it for now and instead focused on what Ryoko had told you.

He had said that Saki would attempt to seduce Kakashi at every turn, and that she may even resort to drugging him. Therefore, he told you that the best way to fix this whole mess was to expose her so that she'd never do it to any man, or Kakashi, at all.

Ryoko had explained that you both would be able to expose her at their next show(which he had especially requested spots for you and the rest of the team plus Jiraiya as a reward).

His plan was very ingenious(with the help of you of course), and would expose Saki for who she was. A lying dirty whore.

You honestly never would've imagined doing all this. You really thought it was just going to be another boring mission but it actually turned out to be pretty interesting...

"Um, (Y/N)? I still have to shower too. If you dont hurry, I'll just have to jump in there with you."

You blushed madly.



The journey to the Hidden Water Falls  Village was still atleast a day away and apart. However the idea of reaching such a beautiful Havana like 'Falls Village kept you going. It was a playground for Water Jutsu Weilders', and you just happened to be one.

The only surprising thing was that no one had questioned your abilities yet. You felt as if your students were to scared to ask and Kakashi hadn't though too deeply about it yet.

Either way, you were in the clear for now.

Just as you were about to walk up to Kakashi, the familiar voice of a certain Pervy Sage called your name.

"Jiraiya." You said with little to no emotion as he jogged up to you.

He smiled brightly as he threw an arm around your shoulder.

"Well if it isn't my smooth thighed friend."

You punched him. Hard. Again.

"Jeez. Jeez. Alright! Chillax would you? You're more powerful than you think!"

You crossed your arms and glared at him.

"What do you want you fuckin' perv?"

"Well, I honestly just wanted to speak to you about Kakashi."

Your expression softened slightly as you felt your gaurd crumble.

"What about him?"

"Well...Do you, perhaps, like him?"

Love Like A Medicine(Kakashi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now