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*Note; The amount of research I did for this chapter is unreal. Like seriously, I do not research this much for school. But I wanted the chapter to align with japanese tradition as much as possible. However, I must give the disclaimer that I'm not someone who grew up in Japanese society, nor am I someone of Japanese descent or cultural background, so this won't be 100% accurate. I apologize, but I tried my best. I hope you enjoy this chapter and please feel free to correct me on anything you find wrong or inaccurate. Some aspects of Japanese traditions and culture are absolutely beautiful and so sweet! Please ensure that you always appreciate others cultures and let's be as respectful as possible.

"I...I still can't believe this is happening."

"You can't believe it's happening? I'm the one whose in disbelief." You hesitated, swallowing the lump in your throat as a tear fell.

"Please don't cry, I know that this is a serious matter but everything will be fine,"

You nodded, wiping the tear giving a somber smile.

"Besides, you're ruining your wedding makeup!!" Kurenai wailed as she went to fix your make up with a whine.

"Stop crying will ya! You're marrying the man of your dreams today!" She said before making a bitter face.

"That's more than some of us can say we're doing." She rolled her eyes, obviously thinking of Asuma.

"Oh come on 'Nai, I'm sure he'll come around sooner or later. You're a great woman, I bet he's already planning out how to propose." You chuckled as she did your hair.

"Ah, a dream some of us only wish for..." Sakura pitched in as she entered with a white box tied with a lace bow.

The box held your shoes and she set it down gently, readjusting her own kimono properly.

In your honest opinion, Sakura was quite beautiful in traditional attire. The kunoichi
held an air of elegance about her that was too lovely to ignore.

You looked at your own shiromuku* in the mirror. It was the traditional white bridal attire for a Shinto wedding.

Your head piece, a wataboshi*, was not as heavy as you thought it'd be but it didn't even matter, you were so happy that you were marrying the man of your dreams that it didn't matter.

You took one final look at yourself before going to slip on your tabi* socks and zōri* sandals to complete the look.

"Wow...." Sakura said.

"You look..." Kurenai seemed at a loss for words.

"Perfect." Another voice said and you turned to see Rikoji standing there with a small smile.

She was still recovering from her injury from Lord he who shall not be named but she gave you a warning look when you raised your brows in concern and you decided to let it go for the time being.

"It's your special day, don't worry about me." She placed a small white box in your hand.

Your glossed lips gave a smile.

"What's this?"

"Open it and you'll know." She said with a hint of sarcasm but you knew she was joking around.

You opened the parcel carefully and pulled out a kaiken* knife.

"Brides are allowed to carry them during the ceremony. It's the only memoire I have from my family and it's heritage."

"But then why-"

"Because I want you to have it. If it wasn't for you and your family, I wouldn't be free to live the life I want happily as I am now. I owe alot to you all...An besides, I hope...I mean, I believe-well, um, you're my family now."

Love Like A Medicine(Kakashi X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن