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"I think pearl compliments gold better than it does silver." Akira said with a pleasant smile.

Both Kakashi and the kids groaned inwardly. This was ridiculous.

The twin royals had asked them to escort them to the small marketplace despite yesterday's events, which they'd already found a bit weird...But what was really tipping Kakashi off was that he'd left you at home alone.

Well...not alone. You were with Jiraiya...and Rikoji, but still. Leaving you alone just...Didn't sit right with him..

Not right now at least.

"Okay! I'm finally finished at this shop, let's go to the next one!" Akira said with a smile, tossing another bag to Naruto to hold.

Kakashi's brows furrowed.

"Don't make him carry so much. He's still so young." He said, taking the bag from the blond.

"Kakashi-Sensei! I'm fully capable to carry all these bags! Are you calling me weak?"

"No, Naruto. I'm not." Kakashi said. Holding onto the bag tighter as the blond tried to snatch it back.

It made him upset that they were making his kids servants. They were hired to protect them, not be their live-in donkeys. If they wanted that kind of manual labour, why didn't they bring Rikoji?

Why didn't they bring Rikoji?

Something seemed a bit off.....

"Ooh! Let's stop at that ramen shop!" Akira pointed to a nearby establishment.

The fumes which wafted from the place were practically heavenly, and Naruto had already took off towards the place.


The twins followed suit after him, promoting the rest of the party to follow.

Kakashi couldn't wait for all of this to be over so he could be with you.

They entered the ramen shack and took a seat. Immediately, a waitress was out to serve them.

"We'll have the pork soup please." Akiyo said, ordering for both his sister and himself.

"Teriyaki and Chicken!" Sakura added.

"Just steamed vegetables for me please." Sasuke asked.

"The best ramen you have!" Naruto said, being quite unspecific.

"Broth and vegetable soup please." Kakashi said.

The waitress gave a smile before walking off.

Kakashi glanced around at the kids.

Sakura and Naruto seemed to be fine, but Sasuke looked lower than usual.

"Thinking about something?"

"I'm worried about mom. We left her with just Jiraiya and their bodyguard and here we are enjoying a nice time out. We should be helping her recuperate and taking care of her."

Kakashi couldn't help but smile beneath his mask.

The bond you shared with these kids was so strong and beautiful. It was hard for him to even remember the first few days when you started training them.

You were so reluctant and unsure. Upset, even. He knew that in the beginning, you'd never wanted the job of Sensei, but now here you were. Practically their mother.


You were their mother. Atleast, that's how they saw you.

He hoped that in a way, they saw him as a father figure too. Even if he wasn't always as open as you were.

"Well. When we return we can make some of her favorite dishes for her. How does that sound? We'll even force Naruto to do all the other stuff so he won't finish the food before we bring it to her."

Sasuke couldn't help but smile thinking of that. He gave a nod.

"Okay...Thanks, Kakashi-Sensei."

"Oh my!!!"

They both looked to where Akira and Akiyo were across the table.

Akira had jolted up and so had her brother.

"Akira, you ordered pork soup knowing that we're allergic to pork! What were you thinking!?"

Kakashi was surprised at the revelation. It stirred something inside him, but he didn't know what.

Akira rushed off to the kitchen to change their orders as Akira took a seat.

How could a prince so meticulous as himself forget his and his sister's own allergies? It was a bit strange to him, but then again, it was hard to remember everything. He couldn't imagine what went through the minds of royals.

The food finally made it to their table, and luckily, Akira had managed to order her and Akiyo some Prawn soup instead.

Kakashi waited a moment to eat while everyone else was distracted.

He felt himself getting distracted a bit.

"Naruto slow down!"

"I'm hungry Sakura!" The blond whined as he finished his bowl of ramen.

"I'm so tired..."

"Geez, I wonder why?" The pinkette chided.

Well it had been a long day. Kakashi could feel himself beginning to drift off a bit too. Was he really that sleepy?

"Oh my...Sorry about all the hustle and bustle today. I suppose we should be heading home so you can rest and you can see your other partner." Akira said, happily enjoying her pork soup.

"No we..."

Kakashi trailed off, now getting confused.

What were they? Why was his brain in so much turmoil? Nothing and everything was making sense all at the same time...

Ninja! That's right. They were ninja!

"Were ninja.... It's our job....?"

Akira gave a small smirk,

"I'm sure it is."

He felt a this against his side, his body feeling like his soul was detaching more and more.

He looked to see Sasuke it cold on his shoulder.

When did the others fall asleep?

His eyes widened as he finally realised why he felt so unnerved.

At the campfire the other night.

He had seen both the twins eating pork.

It was too late for that revelation however. Because the last sensation he felt was his own body collapse against the seat.

His conscience going out cold.

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