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"Sensei, isn't this a bit overkill?"

"Sh, let's just shop."

You had taken Sasuke for your first grocery shopping together and you were so excited.

"Do you see how many groceries are in the cart?"



"Listen to me, as your probable Aunt/Older Cousin/Maybe but I hope not Grandma-"

"You could just say guardian. Guardian is good."

"Yeah, mhm, that. Anyways, I believe, no, I know what's best for us. And right now, the best option is a bunch of groceries because I'm making a huge dinner for us tonight."

"For what?"

"To celebrate us being together!" You said with a smile of excitement before turning to reach for some spices.

The younger Uchiha hid a small smile while your back was turned but quickly put on his poker face when you turned back around.

"Well, as long as you make a little ramen..." He mumbled.

"DID SOMEONE SAY RAMEN!?" Naruto said appearing out of thin air.

"Oh Good grief..." Sasuke said.

"Naruto? What are you doing here and where'd you learn the teleportation Jutsu from?" You asked.

"You summoned me by mentioning ramen, and, from Jiraiya-Sensei."

"Hold up, Jiraiya-Sensei?" You asked.

"Why isn't he teaching the rest of us? Our current Sensei's are so behind." Sasuke face palmed.

"Rude!" You said, ruffling his hair, something he hated.

He groaned and tried to pry your hands off.

"So what're you guys doing here? And when do we get to the ramen part?", Naruto asked.

"What does it look like we're doing in the grocery store with a cart full of groceries, Naruto?" Sasuke asks.


"I dunno." Naruto shrugs.

Sasuke brings his hand close to his face and then stops abruptly.

"You're not worth the head slap..." He mumbles.

"We're buying groceries for the dinner I'm making tonight." You said, picking up some fish.

"That's alot of groceries for one night...And, "we"? Why is Sasuke even with you?" Naruto scratched his head.

"What did you not get about
(Y/N)-Sensei being a Uchiha? Were related. Of course I'm with her." Sasuke said.

"Oh! You're having a family dinner? Cool, why didn't you say so? At what time?"

"Well I was thinking around 6, but it doesn't really matt-"

Sasuke cut you off,

"Sensei no-"

Only to also get cut off himself.

"Okay! I'll be there! Geez, I can't believe you guys were waiting 'till the last minute to invite me to the family dinner. Rude." Naruto said before disappearing.

"What did you just do?" Sasuke asked.

"I don't know...," You said with a sigh.

"Go get another box full of noodles, we're gonna need it..."

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