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When the silver haired Jōnin came to, he was in what looked to be a dungeon.

He was tied to what felt like a wooden cross.

He almost chuckled at how weird it was. His captors clearly underestimated where he stood in terms of skill. A few chains weren't going to stop him.

His heart rate quickened, however, upon realisation.

Where were the kids!?

He looked around and saw nothing else but the metal bars of his imprisonment.

Just then, he heard footsteps and suddenly a man stood before him.

He was heavily clothed in rich fabrics the colour of the sky and she clouds mixed with some silver trimmings.

He had pale skin, brown hair hidden beneath a traditional styled hat, beady dark eyes and a goatee.

"I see you are awake, Copy Cat Ninja." He gave a hard stare at the ninja.

"Well, I'll keep my chatter to a minimum, lest you try and escape the bindings I've ever so nicely made light for you. I am Lord Koneko. You may not know this but I normally dole out the cruelest punishments, and seeing you've offended me, I feel it's nothing but fair."

Kakashi nearly hissed, gritting his teeth. It was then he realized that they'd removed his mask too. Another thing to pain him a bit.

"Do whatever you'd like to me. Just let the kids go, wherever they are. Don't you lay a hand on them!!"

"Oh please. Such a saviour complex, it's really boring, truly. And besides, I have no worried for those little brats of yours, they'll receive a lighter sentence. I'm feeling quite gracious after all. I can't thank you enough for handing over my darling Kyungmi to me. I might as well do something for you. In return."

His eyes widened.


"Now, now. Patience my dear ninja."

Kakashi closed his eyes, preparing to channel all his Chakra into his arms and legs.

"Ah-ah-ah! I wouldn't if I were you. Or I might have to give those brats of yours a harsher punishment." The man before him smiled.

How could this have happened, where was Jiraiya!?

"Now. If you'll excuse me,"

The dark haired man gave a rather ugly smile and turned to leave.

"I have a wedding to get to."

As he left, Akiyo appeared from the shadows.

He stared into Kakashi's eye(s) and the silver haired man quirked a brow before suddenly realizing what was happening.

His world was black for a moment, but then he came to again.

He was in a flower field...

As he stood up and took in more of his surroundings, he realized that he was infact, actually in the Hidden Leaf.


He turned around, and his lips couldn't help the way they curled into a slight smile.

The graceful shine of your hair. The shimmer of your eyes, the way the dimples curved into your cheeks with ease.

It was...You.

What was making you so happy? He was happy just seeing you like that.

"Kakashi you won't believe it! Do you remember how I told you I saved that handsome official in the hidden cloud a few months ago?"

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