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By the time you had awoken, Kakashi was already awake. You knew, obviously, because his side of the bed was empty.

You hated yourself for it, but in your heart you were sad he'd left without so much as a goodbye. You also hated the lack of heat too. It's like you had gotten used to his arms being wrapped around your while you slept.

How many times had you even slept together now.

Your face reddened. Slept, not slept. That's all...

You shook your head and fanned your face lightly. That wasn't important. What was important was the smell wafting into your room. Were your neighbors making pancakes or something?


Neighbors!? You didn't even have neighbors, at least not close your mouth for you to smell the food they were cooking!

You shot out of bed faster than a throwing star could hit its target and made your way to the kitchen.

Well, more like hopped. You had ran out of the bedroom so quickly that you hadn't put your house shoes on. Because of this, your feet hit the cold ground wayyy to quickly.

Once you got to the kitchen, the sight that befell your eyes nearly sent you to orbit.

"I see you're finally up. Sorry I didn't ask to use your kitchen but you were sleeping so soundly I couldn't bring myself to wake you."

Kakashi Hatake.

Was in your kitchen.

In your apron!?

He set a place in front of you.

"You're just in time too. I just finished making breakfast."

You couldn't get over the shock of the whole thing. So instead you cleared your throat and took a seat.

You looked at the plate in front of you. It was your favorite flavor pancakes with your favorite fla out syrup and some whipped cream on top.

"So you can cook. Jiraiya said you couldn't." You chuckled.

Kakashi mentally rolled his eyes. The white haired sage had a lot to learn in romance for someone who wrote romantic novels. He was a Terrible wingman!

"He's just never tasted my cooking before." Lies.

He took a seat across form you at the table and placed his own pancakes on the table.

You both thanked Kami for the meal and dug in. You had to stop yourself from literally moaning in satisfaction! He was a good cook, no doubt about it!

While munching your food, your thoughts drifted to the night before.

Kakashi's face an inch from yours, his hands trapping you against the counter.

You didn't have to see your cheese to know they were exposing all the thoughts in your mind right now.

Of course, since you had spaced, Kakashi had time to eat his own food without you seeing under his mask.

He too was thinking about the night before. With all his memories in tact, he was completely aware of what had happened. What he'd said.

And he regretted nothing.

Once you finished, you looked up to see him holding out his hand.

"Your plate?"

You flushed. You were almost going to place your hand in his. It's a good thing you didn't.

"O-oh, it's okay, I'll-"

He ruffled your hair lightly(because if you're black you know it takes hours to get your hair neat and therefore someone head patting or ruffling it alot just screws things up 🤦🏾‍♀️) and tilted his head.

A smile. He was smiling behind the mask, you just knew it!

"Just let me take care of you. Okay?" He left you stunned and flustered all at the same time.


"K-kashi! This isn't fair!" You squeaked as the man massaged your back.

You were so surprised by the gesture you couldn't even say his full name. He didn't seem to mind though.

"Hm. Thats a good nickname. You're Kashi from now on, okay?"

He only chuckled in response, continuing to massage your back.

He had insisted on doing so after breakfast. And of course, you couldn't say no.

You laid against the couch hesitantly at first but once his hands started working, you felt yourself drift off in ease.

"Oh yeah," you breathed, "Right there!"

"Wow you're so tight in this spot."

"I-" you stopped when you saw Sasuke standing in the doorway of the living room, mouth slightly agape.

"It's not what it looks like...?" Your face reddened.

Kakashi was on top of you--or so it looked-- hands on your back, and the last few sentences that came from your mouths were innuendo sounding.

To top it all off you had let out a light moan atleast once or twice.

How were you gonna explain this one?

Love Like A Medicine(Kakashi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now