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Jiraiya nearly cringed in disgust as he made his way through the dark catacombs.

He was a tad surprised at the appalling conditions in which the cells of Lord Koneko's torture chambers were kept. It surprised him even more when he held his torch to a cell and saw a rotting corpse hanging upside-down, stomach slit in half revealing the person's intestines and internal organs.

He cringed at the sight. He prayed to Kami that his family was still alive.

He bit his lip but shook his head. He was a ninja. A Sannin, if you will. He was strong, and capable and he was going to find all of you and save you. And you WOULD be alive. He'd make sure of it. It was the least he could do for all the happy memories the team had given him.

Suddenly he heard groaning.

He approached the noise and a slew of Kunai came flying at him.

More attacks from the persistent pests of Lord "Neko Neko". He dropped down, rolling over as his instincts kicked in.

He didn't have to see the assassins in the dusty halls of the underground prison structure to know where they were.

He could feel them through his shoes.

Despite how fast they'd thrown their Kunai, he was faster.

He did a few hand signs and the Kunai were instantly flying right back at their respective launchers

A bunch of bodies fell around him. But he was not phased.

He was used to this kind of thing.

And it didn't matter now anyways.

All that mattered was finding his family.


You inhaled sharply as the women beside you held your arms.

Underneath the rich material of your veil, you were trembling, worst still, tears threatened to spill down your cheeks at any moment.

You were overwhelmed, to say the least.

Lord Koneko was holding you hostage, and as a leverage, he was threatening to kill your loved ones if you didn't do what he asked.

Worst still, you were trapped. You could've easily overpowered a whole onslaught of assassins, but it was more than that. Lord Koneko had strong forces, almost like they were trained members of the ANBU itself. And goodness knows what Lord Koneko himself was capable of.

The "bridesmaids" beside you let you go, and there he stood, waiting patiently.

Your lovely future husband.

The dark colored goatee under the bottom lip of the torturous man seemed to gleam as he smiled and held out his hand to you.

You took his hand--begrudgingly, of course--and the both of you continued your walk down the isle in silence as all the wedding attendees stood to the side.

To outsiders--the guests, that is--you looked beyond fortunate.

You were astoundingly beautiful, atleast, that's what they were told, but they'd judge when your veil was removed. You were marrying the greatest man in the Hidden Cloud. Some wanted to be him, others respected him, but all feared the torture-loving Lord. Your wedding attire was of the highest degree. With threads of silver, and white, and different variations of light blues. Truly a beauty to behold. You were lucky.

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