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After ordering food, your drinks came.

Kurenai had ordered you all Sake, much to your dismay, and Kakashi's.

But Gai had actually managed to get him to drink....

"I'm gonna best you in a drinking match!" He declared to the poor Jounin.

"I'm not drinking. You can have my cup."

"Oh come on rival! That's not the spirit! I'm supposed to beat you!" He said.

"Sounds like a personal problem." Kakashi shrugged, "focusing" on his Written Porn.

Gai frowned briefly before turning to you,

"Fine then, what do you say beautiful (Y/N). Drink with me?"

You raised a brow.

"Me...Uh...Haha, I don't really drink either."

"Oh come on! I ordered drinks for all of us, you and Kakashi can't just butt out of drinking because you're lightweights." A pout adorned Kurenai's face.

"Haha! You think Kakashi's a lightweight?" Asuma chuckled.

"Well, I suppose a few rounds are okay. I just don't want to be drunk."

"Awe, it won't be fair competition if you quit early." Gai pouted.

"Well...I guess-"

"I'll drink with you instead."

"You will?"

Kakashi gave a slow nod. He clearly was already regretting his choice by the look in his eyes.


Once the Sake had reached the table, Gai immediately started drinking. Oppositely, Kakashi only sat patiently, and once Gai was half way done, he had finished.

"But...But...You didn't even remove your mask!!!" Gai cried out.

Kakashi was stoic, of course.

"Let's go again! I'll best you this time my rival!"


"Alright! Hic! I admit-Hic-Defeat!" Gai coughed.

He was sprawled halfway across the table almost close to passing out.

Kakashi sat next to him with his mask pulled higher up on his face. His brows furrowed and you were sure he was on the verge of puking.

Asuma and Kurenai were actually pretty normal. Well, if normal was Kurenai being tipsy and Asuma being extra gruff.

"Kakashi...Are you okay?" You placed a shaky hand on his shoulder, trying to avoid waking a now knocked out Gai.

He inched away, nodding.

It was clear he was trying so hard not to puke, poor guy.

Asuma grunted and put out his blunt, surprising you completely.

"I'll take Kurenai and Gai home, you can get Hatake, right?"

When you realized he was talking you, you stood up quickly so he could grab Gai by the back of his shirt.

Kurenai leaned on his other side and they walked out.

"See you (Y/N), take care of Hatake."

You reached out to Kakashi, who finally allowed you to take his arm.

Love Like A Medicine(Kakashi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now