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*An extra chapter for my awesome readers, think of it as a Christmas present.*

 "What do you mean you won't let us come?" - Della grunted, staring down at the Victor Grim. The large rhino was sitting down and checking his security measures on his tablet, seemingly unfazed by the Duck's anger.

"I mean I don't want you out there." - Victor remarked, turning off his tablet, getting up from his seat, and leaving the McDucks waddling behind him. - "My men can handle the transport. If any thieves try and take the scroll, well... they won't be making it through the night."

Scrooge scowled at the large man in front of him. - "That's my great-nephew your talking about... So you better watch your words."

Grim stopped and turned to face the 6 duck's who had been annoying him all morning. - "Don't try and threaten me Mr. McDuck, my men outnumber your 'family' 5-to-1. So I advise you, don't try anything as my men won't miss." - His hulking figure towered over the McDuck clan who may have faced giants, pixies and elven warriors, but no one as intimidating as Victor Grim.


"Johnson, Elliot's. Escort the McDuck's off the premises." - Two faceless goons appeared, wearing GRIMLOCK grunt uniforms and carrying electric rifles.

"HEY!" - Webby shouted, as she was restrained with the rest of the McDucks. - "You can't do this!"

"I can and I will." - Victor turned. - "But don't worry, people who try and steal from me, usually aren't stupid enough to do it again."

"Sir." - Another goon stepped up. - "Van's are ready for transport, shall I order the men to begin readying for transport?"

Victor nodded. - "Have them be ready in 20 minutes. If not, we leave them here."


 "Are you sure about this Louie?" - Amelia expressed over the team's comms.

"Amelia." - Louie chuckled, surveying the distance through a pair of binoculars. - "When I am ever not sure of one of my plans.

"Still, these seems to be even more insane than one of your usual plans."

"I've done this before."

"But still, making yourself an enemy out of Victor Grim..." - She paused. - "You got lucky the first time, but now you're just playing with fire." - Amelia chastised. 

"I'll worry about Grim." - Louie countered. - "You worry about your part of the plan."

"Yeah... yeah." - She failed to keep her voice steady.

Knowing he had to distract her, Louie decided to change topic. - "Your alterations are working great." - He fiddled with his upgraded leather grapple-gauntlet, which was much more fitting than the previous version, and toyed with his overwear, Amelia had trimmed his coat into a shorter version, making it more of a jacket, and replace the leather of the joints with a much more flexible fabric.

"What about the bike?"

Louie looked to his left, where a modified green sports-bike sat.

"It's good, faster than anything I've ever ridden before."

"Have you tried the other feature yet?"

Louie took a seat on the bike. - "No I haven't gotten the chance yet." 

"Well you're about to get the chance." - Amelia warned. - "Transport is 2 minutes out."

Throwing on his motorcycle helmet and closing the visor, Louie felt a rush run through him. - "Ok team, let's get heisting."

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