The Beginning

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It was a normal day at the BAU. Almost too normal, thought Rossi, along with the rest of the team. Then, a rattled looking Garcia walked into the conference room. The team gave each other a knowing look, and began their way up the stairs. The team sat down and Garcia began the briefing. "ok guys. we've got a spree killing in South Dakota. They said they've got a suspect but they don't know how to take him down without loosing more people."
"Thank you Garcia. Wheels up in 20" said Hotch.

Rossi Pov:
she's just so perfect. she's the only one smart enough on the team to hold an ongoing conversation with reid, she's gorgeous and everything about her is perfect. i wish i could tell her how i felt about her. she recently got started talking about getting divorced, it seemed to take a toll on the way she worked. she didn't smile as often as she used to, everyone seemed to notice this. she had really changed recently, she was quieter and submissive. but she took any chance she could to stay at work. almost as if she didn't want to go home. i cant help but stare at her during the briefing, she's gorgeous. 

The whole team boarded the jet. Since the suspect was already known of, the team was able to relax. This case seemed like more of a physical battle than a mental one, like they're used too. Blake and Rossi sat together in the corner of the jet, they weren't talking. just enjoying each others company, unaware of the others feelings towards them. alex was staring out the window, not uttering a word. what was she thinking about?

When they finally arrived in South Dakota, they immediately got their vests on and prepared to take down this unsub. He seemed to be having some kind of psychotic break, just standing in the middle of a park, shooting anyone that came near him. The team got in their SUVS and went to catch this unsub. When they arrived, Derek prepared to distract the unsub, while hotch went behind him and disarmed him. This plan only resulted with Derek shot in the foot.  hotch was able to take the unsub down, but in the process he shot alex in the stomach and jj in the shoulder. "i'm gonna need an ambulance at green creek park, please. i need it fast" Rossi said to the 911 operator. alex fell to the ground grimacing in pure pain. reid ran to her side and began ripping his shirt to cover the wounds. derek and jj were being tended to by hotch and emily. alex slowly began to close her eyes, loosing consciousness. Rossi knew he couldn't loose alex. he ran to alex's side, talking to her, saying things like "hey alex your ok, it's ok. we've got an ambulance coming. your gonna be alright" Alex grabbed his hand, wincing in pain, before falling completely unconscious. The ambulance arrived and Rossi rode with her to the hospital, where she was about to have surgery.

Rossi paced the hospital waiting area. everyone was worried about the injured agents. The rest of the team sitting in the waiting room behind him, they knew it didn't look good for alex, but they wouldn't give up hope. Just then, the doctor came out. "Alex Blake?" he said.
"yes that's us," said hotch.
"ok," the doctor began. "Alex lost a lot of blood, it was touch and go for awhile, but she is expected to make a full recovery," he said with a smile.
the team let out a sigh of relief. "can we see her?" Emily was the first to ask. "you may, please try not to stress her out."
the team walked down the hall to alex's room. she met them with a small smile. all thoughts of the finished case were set aside. they were happy that alex was ok. the team left a few minutes later. alex could fly home with them the following day, but would have to stay with someone for the following week, just to check in on her. Dave was the last to leave the room. the team was huddled in the corner talking quietly. "dave." hotch started, "the doctor said alex needs to stay with someone for the next week. we all know shes talking about getting divorced, so it would have to be one of us. could you do it?  we've started to suspect somethings going on at her house, so we want to send her home with you. " he asked.
the rest of the team looked at rossi expectantly. "um sure, of course." he said stuttering. just the thought of alex coming to his house made his heart pound. "perfect. i'll tell her when she wakes up." hotch said.

alex woke up again almost 2 hours later. the team went back to her room to talk to her quickly. "we've made arrangements for you to stay at dave's house for the next week. you can fly home on the jet tomorrow, but he will be taking care of you for the next week. okay?" hotch said, his tone suggesting that there were no negotiations.

"um sure. okay." alex said unsure. she wanted desperately to spend time with dave but not like this. not when he had to be her nurse. "i really don't need anyone to-"
hotch cut her off , "it's an order." he said seriously.
alex nodded silently. she looked at dave who was standing in the corner shaking his head at hotchs orders.

the rest of the team headed back to the hotel room. "rossi?" alex said, just as he was leaving. "please, call me dave" he said chuckling.
"thank you." she said quietly.
"of course. you know your always welcome at my house." he said, before turning to leave. alex watched him leave, before falling asleep for the night.

undercover loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora