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As soon as she enters David's office he looks up, a smile crossing his face just at the sight of her. she walks now with her hand basically permanently attached to her huge belly. Contrary to what she thinks, the more pregnant she gets, the more he loves her and their baby. "howd it go?" he asks, giving her his full attention. she closes the door and sits in the chair across from his desk. "really well. strauss and hotch were super understanding."
"good. are you telling the team or is hotch?"
"he asked if i could come to the conference room quick and say goodbye. i think he knows how often i'll still see everyone."
he smiles before nodding in agreement. "i think it's mostly for spencer." he says, his tone of voice changing with a tone of sadness.
she's about to say something before jj knocks on the door. "hey alex." she says cheerily. "i knew you'd be in here."
alex smiles at her, she's always in david's office.
"hotch called a meeting to debrief and he said you have news, alex." jj says this a little skeptically, honestly she probably suspects her news.
alex chooses to ignore jj's look and obvious skepticism. "ok thank you. we'll be there in a second."
jj nods and closes the door and david stands from his office chair. "you ready for this?"
alex stands slowly, pregnancy making it all hard. but she smiles at him as he opens the door. "yes."

everyone is already in the conference room when they enter, and all eyes are on alex. David sets his hand on her back reassuringly before he goes to sit down. everyone states expectantly at her as she stands in the front of the room. she smiles before she begins talking,  her hand resting protectively on her belly. " as you all know," she starts,  "i've had a rough year. I was beaten up by my ex-husband, sent undercover, kidnapped, tortured, recently spent a full month on lockdown in a hotel, and i'm obviously pregnant."
everyone knows where this is going and alex realizes that Reid is the only one in the room failing to meet her eyes. she ignores it momentarily and continues, "so with all of that, i have decided to step away from this job and focus on what means the most to me, which is david and our daughter."

she sees david smile out of the corner of her eye.
"i really loved working with all of you. honestly, i'll probably see you all pretty often." she finishes with a smile.
Reid is visibly crying and Garcia stands to hug Alex. "you better visit with that baby all the time."  she says when she pulls away.
alex laughs, "i promise i will."
she doesn't know what to do about Reid crying, but she'll just leave it alone for now.
"thank you." she says with a smile, as she walks towards the door to leave.
as she turns around she sees spencer get up, and he's walking towards her with tears spilling out of his eyes and his arms open to hug her.
he tries to hold himself together but he breaks down as he hugs her.
she gives david a look as she pulls away from spencer's hug and leads him to the hallway.

of course the door is still open and they're in front of a window, so the team can hear and see the entire conversation. but Reid doesn't seem to notice or care.
"Spencer? what's wrong?" she asks.  she knows what's wrong but she needs him to calm down, so she asks easy questions first.

he looks away, trying to regain his composure. "you're leaving me."

she sighs, "i'm not leaving you. i'm leaving this job because i physically cannot do it anymore. i promise i will visit all the time, i just cant work her any longer."

he knows he sounds like a baby, but he needs alex. she's the only one that really understands him. she's the only one he feels close to.

"it's not the same." he says.

"i am massively pregnant. i am not leaving you, but i have bigger priorities. i will always be here for you, okay?" her eyes shine with tears, she truly feels bad for him.
spencer nods, meeting alex's eyes. she can still read his unsure expression.
"call me anytime, i don't care. or make David call me. i know he will understand."

"ok thank you, thank you alex. i'm sorry." he says solemnly.

"don't apologize." she says as he hugs her again.

The whole team watched that unfold. Losing Alex may be a bigger problem than they anticipated. David loves Spencer like a son, but this isn't necessarily good for Alex either. The agents still in the conference room share a somewhat scared look, unsure what's going to happen to Spencer without Alex. They all act oblivious to everything as Spencer walks back into the room. Alex leaves from there, if she doesn't leave now, she'll definitely start crying.
she goes to david's office, hoping to see him after the debriefing before he departs for a case.
thunder booms outside and lightning flashes occasionally, somehow comforting alex.
she sits down in his office chair thinking about whatever the hell just happened. She expected Spencer to react that way, he's going through a lot right now, but he's blowing it a bit out of proportion.
she'll bring her daughter into work often when david's working long hours, and the team usually hosts more parties and dinners, they've just been a bit preoccupied with everything lately.

she sits in david's office for awhile, just waiting. she's thinking about a lot anyways so the time passes quickly.

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