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her eyes are closed as she lays against his chest and his chin rests atop her head. the two sit in a comfortable, tired silence until alex speaks. "we have to work tomorrow."
he's trying not to think about it. work is the last thing on his mind and he could use another day off.
regardless they both exit the bathtub and the bathroom, throwing on clothes to get in bed.
alex gets into bed in panties and david's shirt. she fights to stay awake waiting for him to dress and clean up the bathroom. he finally shuts off all the lights and gets into bed next to her.
she faces him and his arms snake around her, pulling her as close as possible. she leans up, pressing her lips against his. "god, i love you so much." she mumbles against his lips.
"i love you too." he says, kissing her one more time.
she closes her eyes, falling asleep in her arms is the perfect way to conclude the night.

the alarm seems to sound way to early considering what time they went to bed and how much sleep they got. seconds after she wakes up, last nights events come crashing down like some kind of dream.
she looks down at her hand and the massive diamond ring on her finger makes it feel like more of a reality.
david's choosing to ignore the alarm clock, he faces away from her still asleep.
she slowly peels the covers off of her side and exits the bed, leaving him to sleep.
her shower is heavenly. she lets the hot water cascade over her body, last nights events leaving her all but feeling clean. she still had last nights makeup on.
afterwards she dries her hair, dresses, and finished getting ready for work. she's wearing black high heels, jeans, and a dress shirt. when she exits the bathroom david is still in bed, he's awake on his phone but he has yet to move and get ready.
he looks in her direction when the bathroom door opens, and she looks at him quizzically. "morning." she says, walking towards him.
"morning." he says back, his voice deep from recently waking.
she stands by his side of the bed and leans down, kissing him. her kisses start soft and slow but slowly become more heated.
she pulls away eventually and sits on the side of the bed. she bites her lip before smiling up at him, "we're engaged." she whispers.
he instantly smiles back at her and nods once before sitting up and throwing the blankets off. she stands with him and he pulls her into his arms. "i know."
she can hear the happiness in his voice and she feels the exact same way.
she holds to him tightly, so completely and utterly happy with their beginning life together.
she looks up at him, "hurry up and get ready." she says laughing.
he looks down at her, not letting go of her. he leans down and kisses the tip of her nose before moving down to kiss her lips once.
she pulls away so they can leave on time and he heads towards the bathroom to shower.

she goes downstairs to eat and finish getting ready for work. waiting for david to get ready gives her a lot of time to think. if they work a case today it could be her last. she loved her job and working in the field but she's pregnant now and things are changing. she has other things to focus on now. her family.

david comes downstairs almost ready for work. she watches him move through rooms as he's uncharacteristicistically disorganized this morning. he's going from their bedroom to his office, packing his bags in preparation for a case. in the time he's spent getting ready she's called hotch for the final time regarding her job options. he finally enters the kitchen, ready to leave. they both walk outside and alex speaks as they get into the car. "i already talked to hotch." she starts, and he looks up at her giving her is full attention.
"he said i was too good of an agent to loose to paperwork."
she blushes as she says these complimentary words, "so i'm supposed to work victimology and help garcia from the bureau. he also said i'm free to leave as soon as the babies born."

he nods, relieved that this worked out. "good. are you happy with that?"
he's quite happy with her decision besides the fact of how often they won't see eachother. but old habits die hard and he'll never be able to leave this job.
she nods, "i loved this job but i have other things to think about now."
he knows she's referring to their baby and he wouldn't have let her continue field work much longer anyways.
"so... i have an appointment in 2 days where we can find out the babies gender."
he nods to show he's listening but keeps his eyes on the road.
"but if your on a case you obviously can't come with me. so assuming you are on a case-"
he cuts her off, "i know how much this means to you and i told you it was up to you."
he parks the car and looks over at her. "but you better call me as soon as you find out."
she smiles in relief and nods, "of course."

they both edit the car and enter the bureau together. in the bullpen they meet garcia and reid along with derek and jj. reid is of course first to notice, and he brings it up almost immediately.
"alex? do you have something to tell us?"
she looks at him first in confusion but she quickly realizes they haven't announced their engagement yet. being with david just seems so right. it feels like they've been together for years.
she blushes as everyone looks at her expectantly, she holds out her hand to them, letting the ring speak.
Garcia gasps loudly, "oh my god your going to get married!" alex has never seen her so excited about something.
"holy shit rossi this must have cost a fortune!"
he chuckles but everyone seems to agree.
"congratulations. i'm really happy for you guys." reid says, hugging alex quickly.
he's always felt connected to her, even enough to voluntarily hug her. she's like the mom he's always needed, she's always there for him and it helps that she's almost equally as smart as him.
she looks at him him in shock but he just smiles at her, letting the rest of the team congratulate them.
derek has a huge smile on his face, talking to rossi about how he better be able to keep wife number four. but nothings ever felt so right to David, not a single one of his other marriages felt like this. he knows him and alex are forever.
JJ is whispering to alex about how she wants to hear, "every single detail."

but obviously in their line of work good things don't last all that long.
"congratulations dave." hotch says with a rare smile, and then "take care of him alex."
he says as they enter the conference room for the case briefing.
they all know there will be time to celebrate later and the whole team gets ready for business.

garcia begins the briefing, "I hope you all packed your winter coats because you're being sent to Alaska. We've got four bodies of pregnant women having just given birth, no babies have been found just the mothers."

"so it's the babies he wants." derek concludes.

" statistically since the cause of death was a single gun shot wound to the head, it could very well be a woman." reid says.

"this would have to be a woman without kids then. No woman with children would do this to another mother." says jj, " they would know how it feels to hold her baby for the first time and the pain and reward if it's another mother this is a different level of sadistic."

" The cause of death is consistent with that with of a female unsubs. Maybe one that's unable to conceive or is using the women solely for childbirth." alex suggests.

" The victims parents said none of their daughters were pregnant before abduction." garcia offers.

"alex and JJ have solid points here, although we may not be able to rule out the unsub being a man. who would be getting these women pregnant then?"

"wheels up in 30." hotch says.

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