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he leaves the house thinking about a lot. he needs to figure out how to ask alex about adopting ben. he's very aware that it won't be easy, especially when she's already expecting.

he gets in the car and shakes these thoughts for now. he needs to focus on the case.

he arrives at the bau at the same time as hotch and reid. the 3 of them go to the conference room to finish up yesterdays debriefing. the rest of the team members arrive eventually and garcia presents new information. "5 victims dead by a mysterious poison gas inside of a gas station, ironic i know...a lab is trying to identify the type of gas right now."

reid chimes in, "this isn't the first killing with this method either, 3 other towns in the state have reported the same thing. overall we have around 20 victims."

"all the more reason to work quickly and find the unsub." hotch says, "wheels up in 20."

everyone stands, grabbing their files and heading out of the room to grab coffee and get ready to leave.

4 hours later:
alex wakes up around 10 feeling a lot better than she did last night. she actually has no idea why she's been so sick during this pregnancy. when she had ethan she was sick pretty often but it wasn't this bad. either way she gets up and goes to shower. her appointment is at 12, leaving her quite awhile to get ready as well as clean up the house a little. she also needs to buy clothes for the baby which she just hasn't had time to do. she knows she needs to do it soon, because the baby could come early and she needs to be prepared. she thinks of all of this while she showers. after her shower she gets dressed and does her hair and makeup. she then makes their bed and cleans up the bedroom.

by the time she's done with all of that, she needs to leave for her appointment.
she gets in her car and realizes how long it's been since she's driven somewhere. david hasn't let her drive since she's gotten pregnant. regardless she drives to her appointment anyways.

as soon as she goes inside her doctor greats her. "hey alex! how are you?" she asks, leading her to a room.
the two women talk for awhile before her doctor gets started with an ultrasound and asks hundreds of questions.
"do you have any concerns so far? or any pain?"

"no not so far actually. i'm constantly sick and throwing up though...but i had the same issue with my first baby."

her doctor nods, "well i do know you've had a lot of stress lately, and sometimes when you're stressed, the baby is also stressed. i will check your blood pressure and listen to the baby's heartbeat today though."
her doctor continues talking about swelling and stress and what to expect in the next month or so, but alex isn't really listening.
"your baby is perfectly healthy, so no worries there, but your blood pressure is kind of high and your heart rate is pretty high as well. i'm mostly crediting that to past stress, but i would like to ask you a few questions that require total honesty."

alex gives her a puzzled look, but the doctor has her full attention now. " yeah....sure whatever you need to ask."

"how much sleep would you say you get a night and how often would you say you wake up during the night."

"um...maybe 6 hours. i get up maybe 3 times a night. i PTSD nightmares from being kidnapped."

"i know that you know, you and your baby both need more sleep than that."

alex nods, she knows.

the doctor continues to ask more questions, questions about david, questions about how she feels mentally, how she feels physically, if she's nervous about the baby.

she finds the questions pointless, and is relieved when she can finally leave.

her doctor reminds her to sleep more and try to manage her stress, as if she hasn't been trying to do that already. she cant stop the nightmares, no matter how hard she tries. she tries to pretend they aren't there, and forget about them but she's almost positive david notices. but if she doesn't talk about them, it's almost like they don't exist.

she leaves the building and gets in her car, she's relieved that her baby is healthy but her doctors questions almost make her more stressed. she takes a deep breath in attempt to relax. she then decides she might as well run errands and get the babies clothes now.

600 miles away:
the teams jet lands at 1pm and they immediately all split in different directions. rossi and reid head to to the local police station, jj and hotch go to the latest scene, and emily and derek work victimology. they all know they have limited time to solve this case, theres already a large number of victims and probably a lot more to come.

rossi spends the entire afternoon interviewing suspects and other people on the scene, until the team meets in a conference room at 8pm.
"i have 4 suspects that look good for it, but the profile could still be wrong." rossi says.

"the scene looked pretty clean but hazmat teams are all over it. they said it was a mix of gasses." emily adds.
garcia calls and everyone pauses the conversation to listen.
"hello my lovelies, i have an update from the lab and apparently it's a mix of different gasses. some of the gasses created in the mix can only be created in certain labs. does anyone have any suspect ideas? i can cross check with their occupations or see if they have a science background or access to a lab?"

spencer reads off the names of the suspects and garcia checks them. all 4 suspects still look good for it which leaves them without further leads.

the whole team looks over the map in attempt to at least figure out the geographical profile. they need to figure out where the unsub will strike next.

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