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he's just happy he didn't have to quit his job. he would have for her, but saying he really didn't want to would be an understatement. he will be there for their baby and he knows alex will make up for what he can't do. he promised her to always be there and that's not a promise he's about to break.
he's just happy it's settled now, and he can't wait to get home and see his fiancé. unfortunately it could be awhile until they're back.

without any leads from the rest of the team in Alaska there's not much for Alex to do. So she goes home, going home without David and to an empty house is foreign and something she isn't looking forward to getting used to.

She changes into one of his shirts per usual and gets into bed with her computer. She's approaching five months pregnant and has yet to start the babies room. So she orders all the essentials online,  it'll be a real treat for David to put all this shit together when he gets home.
she closes her computer and shut the light off. Falling asleep she gravitates towards his side of the bed before completely moving over. It smells like him and it feels familiar.

In Alaska the team hasn't stopped working; until they hit a dead end around 11pm.
"Everyone go to the Hotel for the night, we've had a long flight and this isn't getting us anywhere." Hotch instructs.
everyone nods in agreement and moves quickly, they take cars back to the hotel. Rossi enters his room and sits at the desk with the file a while longer. They tried to build a profile multiple times but they were always hung up on the gender of the unsub. A team of both maybe? He'd definitely bring that one up tomorrow morning. He set the file down and stood, hopefully the others have some fresh ideas by morning too.
he shut the lights off and gets into bed. It immediately feels wrong without Alex next to him and he misses the feeling of her in his arms. He can finally see where she's coming from and he can't say he blames her.

Alex wakes up the next morning and immediately checks her phone. No updates on the case, nothing from David, and one message minutes ago from Garcia. It states that they've been given a new theory to analyze. She slept decently well considering David wasn't there, only getting up to go to the bathroom twice. Pregnancy is a bitch. She also woke again because of those fucking nightmares. PTSD is also a bitch. for some reason those nightmares won't go away, and she knows David has noticed. She hasn't told him out of hope that they'll just go away on their own, but evidently that's not the case. she always wakes up seeing both men, and in every nightmare they've killed her baby.

she gets out of bed to shower and get ready. At least she's out of the house fast, considering how long it took David yesterday. She literally can't do anything without thinking about him, which is weird, she's never been this way. There's only one explanation- she is hopelessly in love with him. She drives to the bureau and goes directly to Garcia's office. "oh perfect! you're here!" she chirps.
"so basically, your fiancé," she emphasizes these words, "came up with the perfect theory. that theory being that we are looking for a team of a husband and wife. this couple is using thr women to have their children. right now we are assuming that the wife doesn't want to or can't conceive."

alex thinks for a second. "okay. yeah, that makes sense. look for women that are trying to conceive but can't, possibly infertile. They have access to the drugs given to the victims but they aren't taking them, they're giving them to these women."
garcia smiles at her, "you, like your fiancé, are a genius."
alex shakes her head and smiles.

it's only been about an hour when Garcia speaks, "uh oh."
alex looks up, waiting for her to go on.
"we've got another victim."
Hotch is called and they determined that it is the same on sub, although the cause of death is different. This woman's death was birth related, revealing the unsubs don't have medical training or want solely the child.

" these on subs are up to five kids now, do you think they could stop soon?" Garcia asks hopefully.
alex shrugs, "we don't know if their even keeping the kids, or if they've survived."
Garcia agrees and they go back to the list of possible suspects, letting the team at the scene take the lead. It's been another long day and the team hardly seems to be getting any closer to the unsubs.

"what are we looking at wrong here?" Garcia asks, frustration lacing her words.
alex looks up from what she was working on.
"brain disease. do any of the possible suspects have a brain disease or defect?"
garcia looks at her surprised, "how did you know that?"
"it's the medication." she explains, "it matches drugs found in the victims bodies, whoever gave it to them was using it to treat a brain defect.  that has to be our unsubs."
Garcia looks at her in awe, before typing furiously on her computer. they have a match.
she immediately calls hotch and relays the information, then sending coordinates.
alex sits back, her work here is done. now it's time for the torturous waiting to hear if everything went well.

Garcia lets out a sign and looks at alex, "this is the worst part." she tells her.

hearing from David and the team could take anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours, and the possible outcomes are endless.

thankfully this time it was 10 minutes. The call is from Hotch, telling them both to go home for the night. The team plans on spending the night in a hotel and checking out another case before leaving the state completely.
just perfect! another case!

alex stands when the call ends, "good luck tomorrow. call me with details or if anything important happens tomorrow. i have the full day off for my appointment."

Garcia nods, "will do. and you better call me as soon as you find out. i bet it's a girl. well no, you had a boy before. no...girl. definitely girl."

alex smiles, "david and i want a girl."

Garcia rambles on as alex leaves the office.

l it's another late night as Alex gets home. She hasn't heard from David all day but she knows he's been busy. He's probably had a long day and more to come with the sudden back to back case. She gets ready for bed, throwing on one of David shirts and getting into his side of the bed. She can't stop thinking about tomorrow's appointment. she's so excited to start a family with David, but having another kid sort of scares her. 
she wonders if it's too late to call David. He's probably awake briefing for the next case with the team or looking through files anyway. But she decides against it, he's definitely working and doesn't need to hear about whatever she's overthinking.  Eventually she falls asleep, continuing to think about tomorrow. god she just wants him to come home.

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