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the doctor came back, telling dave and alex that alex had a nasty concussion, a broken cheekbone, and a fractured shoulder. she would be out of work for another week. the doctor gave her pain medication and sent her on her way with dave. it was almost 11pm now, and alex was exhausted. "david i'm sorry." she cried.
"sweetheart it's not a big deal i promise. i'm just happy your safe." he said reassuringly. the last part really was true. he didn't know what he would do without her. he put his hand reassuringly on her thigh as he drove to his house. he walked alex inside and took her to his bedroom. she immediately got into bed, where she had slept only two nights ago. she really loved how much time she was getting to spend with rossi, even if it meant she kept getting hurt. she laid down and sighed. she couldn't believe what had just happened. dave got into bed next to her and pulled wrapped his arms around her, providing much needed comfort. "it's gonna be okay." he whispered. soon, they both fell asleep.

dave woke up and got ready for work. the team was leaving for the case early. alex woke up a few minutes later and got out of bed, getting dressed in the clothes that she had left at his house previously. "alex? what the hell are you doing?" he asked. he knew how stubborn alex was. "why are you so confused? i'm getting ready for work. we have a case today." she answered. "alex the doctor said you need to stay off of work for a week." he warned.
"i'll be fine dave." she said.
he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on the top of her head. "sweetheart the doctor knows what's best for you. i don't want you to get hurt again." he said.
alex loved being held in dave's arms. "i know i just- i don't want you to leave." she said, her voice cracking.
dave obviously had a soft spot for alex. "fine. but i will not leave your side." he vowed to her.
she smiled up at him and turned to hug him normally. they stood hugging eachother momentarily, before alex went to continue packing and getting ready to leave.

the two were out of dave's house quickly and  drove to the BAU together. alex reached over and held dave's hand while he drove. he rubbed his thumb over her hand reassuringly. "your gonna be fine." he said. "you can tell them what happened when your ready." he said. he knew what she was thinking.
"did you just profile me?" she asked in mock anger.
he chuckled , "i just know you better than you thought." he said back.
they walked into the BAU together. "guys." emily whispered to morgan, garcia, jj, and reid, "rossi and blake walked in together. do you think-?" emily asked them.
"no way." morgan said, as they all stared at blake and rossi walking towards the jet.

the team boarded the jet behind rossi and blake. dave reached under the table and held alex's hand. she looked up and shot him a small smile. the team tried to work more victimology, but the unsub didn't leave behind very many clues. "jj? can i talk to you quickly?" emily said, shooting jj a look.
"sure em." she answered, walking with her towards the corner. "dont look now." emily said, "but alex and rossi are definitely holding hands right now."
"no way. are they actually?" jj said, not looking at them.
"i think so. look how both of their arms are practically touching!" emily said excitedly.
she took a deep breath, composing herself. "thank you jj." she said professionally as she walked back to her seat.

the team arrived where the first victim was kidnapped. they didn't find anything until they got a call from garcia.  "the police department in the county over thinks they have a suspect. i'm sending you the coordinates now." she said.
"thanks babygirl." morgan answered.

the team got into their cars, dave drove one SUV with morgan, jj, alex and emily in it. alex sat in the front seat next to dave and the other three sat in the back.
"morgan." emily whispered, "alex and rossi were holding hands on the jet."
"holy shit! do you think their together? isn't she married?" he asked.
"i don't know. what do you think?" just then, an idea came to her.
"let's ask garcia for phone records!" she whispered.
"when this case is over, i'm so down." he answered.
jj giggled at their plan "i'm all in." she said.

alex and rossi ignored their whispering. alex just wanted to find this unsub so she could go home. her shoulder was killing her. i should've just listened to dave, she thought.

hotch's group had gotten to the local station before them. hotch walked towards their car with a puzzled look on his face. "they caught our guy." he said. everyone looked around in confusion. "apparently his partner turned him in. they told us to leave." hotch said. the team was still confused, but they complied and drove to the airport, ready to take the jet home.

emily, jj, and morgan met in the corner of the jet, away from everyone else. "okay. let's call garcia." jj said.
"hey chocolate thunder, what can i-"
"garcia. make this quick. we have a suspicion that rossi and alex have a thing going on. can you pull her phone records or anything else like that? texts maybe?"
"i can check....." she trailed off. "wouldn't you rather ask them?" she said.
"no." they all said in unison.
"okay okay i'm looking and-"
"penelope? what did you find?"
"no. no guys why did you make me do this." she said, her voice cracking.
they looked at each other terrified. "penelope what happened." emily said seriously.
"alex was checked into a local hospital last night. she was a domestic violence victim. she went home with a major concussion, a broken cheek bone and a fractured shoulder. not to mention all kinds of bruises....." penelope said softly.
"no." jj breathed.
they looked at each other silently. they couldn't comprehend how much pain alex had endured. "why did we do that." morgan asked them, as penelope hung up.
jj had tears in her eyes "i don't know. i feel horrible." she said.
they walked back to their seats on the jet, none of them saying a word.

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