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everyone disperses to prepare for the case. alex follows david into his office. he sits at his desk and she resists the urge to sit with him. instead she stands leaning against the closed door.
"alaska, huh?" she says.
of all places of course their first case back is 3000 miles away.
he nods and he knows what she's thinking about. "this is just how it's going to be now honey." he says apologetically.
she's knows, it's just hard to accept. "i know." she says crossing her arms, "i'm never going to fucking see you." she knew it would be hard but the more she thinks about it, the worse it seems. his expression softens but she speaks again before he can. "i'll see you once, maybe twice a week. and each time your gone i dont even know if your going to make it back."
she's just venting now, letting go of everything she's been worrying about.
color drains from her face as she speaks again. "and then we'll have a baby. how much time will you get off? maybe a week. so then what? i just raise our baby by myself? fuck this job."
he just looks at her. there's almost nothing he can say to console her, everything she's describing is probably the reality. that's not what he wants at all, but there's not much he can change. he knows he'll probably miss most of her pregnancy, hell he hopes not but he might even miss the whole birth.
"alex you understand this job better than anyone else. and i promise you we're going to make this work. hell we're engaged now."
she really fucking hopes they'll make it work. she doesn't want to loose him, she's just upset. the future scares her. maybe she's just nervous about raising a child in general because of what happened last time. whatever it is, it's the reason she leaves his office without saying "i love you."
she knows he has a lot to get ready for this case anyways, she opens the door, "whatever. careful okay?"
as she leaves she can't even figure out what she's mad about. but she's started both of their days off pretty rough.
the door closes and he's left alone with his thoughts. he doesn't know what she's trying to say with that. he sighs, this really isn't a great start to their engagement. the absence of those certain words doesn't go unnoticed and he has no idea what's going to make this better. does she want him to quit his job? she knows the best of anyone that there's no way that's happening.
but he would do anything for her.

as she walks towards garcia's office she can't stop thinking about whatever the hell just happened. she contemplates going back to talk to him but the further she thinks about it, the more she realizes she doesn't even know what to say.
she knows this job is his life, she's not asking him to give it up. she just wishes things were different.

he boards the jet without seeing her again, and not really sure what just happened. he shuts it out to focus on work. he's unsure how soon he'll be able to talk to her or see her again but hopefully it's soon, and hopefully she's calmed down a little.

alex has been helping garcia all afternoon when she finally speaks up. "okay spill. you've been acting weird all day. at first i thought it was the engagement, but you seem upset."
alex sighs, leave it to garcia to figure it out. somehow she always knows when somethings wrong, and that's one thing alex is forever grateful for.
"i don't know. i got mad at david this morning. i realized that since i quit being a field agent ,i'll barely see him."
garcia nods, "...okay but you understand how much this job takes."
"i know i do. but it's not that i even want him to quit...i just feel like he's going to miss out on so much that i need him for."
"it's about the baby isn't it."
alex nods, "he's already missing things. he told me i could find out the babies gender without him because he's on a case."
garcia nods in understanding, continuing to let alex explain.
"and i'm not even mad, i don't even think i'm scared, i just hate being away from him for so long."
"see you need to tell him that. neither of you can change this, but you at least have to communicate, he's probably on that jet thinking he has to quit his job. granted he would probably do that for you..."
alex laughs " i think the biggest part is that it's not about me. it's about our baby. i'll be a full time mom, which is what i want, but our baby needs more than a part time dad."
"alex you know rossi better than i do and even i know he'll give this baby everything he can. just talk to him about what you're feeling. your worrying too much about something you can't control."
alex smiles, "that was actually helpful penelope."
"one more thing though. what's got you so worked up about the baby all of a sudden?"
"i'll be 18 weeks pregnant in two days. then we can find out the gender- which i'm doing tomorrow without david." she rolls her eyes at that part, "and then everything starts to move so much faster i guess. being able to find out the gender and coming up on 5 months makes it feel so much more real."
garcia nods, "i'm so excited for a baby around here oh my god!" she is overwhelmingly excited.

it's 8pm when alex gets a call from david. his name flashing across the screen relieves her, she's so happy he's at least willing to talk to her after this morning. she gives garcia a look and steps out of the room.
"hey, we just got to the hotel and i wanted to check on you...are you okay?"
"yeah. yeah i'm fine. i'm sorry about this morning i was a fucking mess. there's just so much i need you for and this job makes it hard."
"i will quit this job for you."
"you must really love me." she says laughing, "no david i'm not asking you to do that, you not being able to make it to the appointment just got to me a little. i'm fine now i promise."
"i know honey i'm sorry. i'll be there for whatever else you need. you come before anything else and you know that."
she smiles, "i know your probably busy and i'm going home soon. be safe, okay? i love you."
"i love you too."
they both hang up and alex sighs in relief. she still wishes david would be going home with her.
she opens garcia's door and is immediately bombarded with questions.
"it's fine penelope! it's...fixed, but you were right" she says laughing, "he offered to quit."
garcia squeals, "could you be any more perfect for each other?"

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