Legal Marriage

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The agents were stuck in the hotel for a month. A full month. Which is much longer than anyone would've ever expected.

this morning all of the agents were informed that the team of hackers has been found and they are being further questioned.  they weren't told much background information, but they're all sure there will be talk of it later. so far the bureau plans to send them to prison for a long time.

this information meaning that everyone is finally able to go home safely. As far as that goes with the time off they were granted, they will probably be sent on a case in the near future.

Alex and David have completed their wedding plans and are going to the courthouse to be officially married later today. They've decided on having their wedding today so they can be officially and legally married. they also plan to have a real wedding ceremony once Alex is no longer pregnant. They just want to be finally married with the legal things finished.

David is packing their bags while Alex gets dressed. trying to fit into the jeans she wore here is basically impossible, considering she's nearly doubled in size. she somehow manages and wears a plain gray T-shirt with it. She looks very pregnant.

"ready babe?" he asks as she exits the bathroom.
she nods, both are very happy to be finally going home. David carries their bags, which is not much considering no one thought they would be here this long. But it's over now and that's all it matters.

they meet the team in the lobby and all eyes are on Alex. She seems to have nearly doubled in size since theyve last seen each other.
"OMG Alex!" garcia speals, staring at her belly.
alex just gives her a small smile and clasps her hands over her belly almost insecurely.
she gets it, she's getting big. she's probably taking garcia's comment too harshly considering garcia wouldn't mean it that way. but everything upsets alex now.
she gives david a look and he quickly wraps up conversation.
"well, i'll probably see you guys later, so alex and i are going to head out while we can."

everyone nods, saying goodbyes and going off in their separate ways.
"am i really that big?" alex asks as soon as their out of earshot and walking toward their car.

"no honey, you're not. they just haven't seen you for awhile. garcia was the only one that made a comment and she didn't mean it like that."
alex still rolls her eyes at him, only because they both just blame her hormones.
she's starting to feel bad for being such a bitch to him. he's doing so much for her.

They both get into the car and Alex grabbed his hand, holding it over the center consul. They are driving directly to the courthouse where they will be officially married. afterwards they plan to pick out wedding rings somewhere else.
The biggest focus is getting legally married before David has a case. They're even skipping vows and planning on doing that at the real wedding.

basically what they decided is that they just want to be legally married now. That's the biggest focus, being together.

David Park the car and Alex takes a deep breath before getting out. They're really doing this, and she wants to. She's never wanted anything more in her life. She's ready to marry David Rossi and start their family.

30 minutes later they're walking out of the courthouse and she's officially Mrs. Rossi. she is beyond happy to be married to what feels like her soulmate. The love they are able to share is such a gift. She can't refrain from kissing him once they're in the car, her lips are in his immediately until he pulls away. "i love you, alex rossi."
she can't believe how lucky she is, and happy tears roll down her cheeks as she leans into kiss him again.

things begin to escalate, Alex is unbuttoning his shirt and his hands are all over her. Being in the car makes it even harder, so David pulls away.
"at home." he says, "i promise. you just need a ring first." he says, kissing her lips once more and starting the car.
he buttons his shirt back up as he drives.

of course david is in his element looking for the perfect wedding ring. He's ordered "their finest collection" to look at.
Alex has no preference, she's decided to let him pick completely.

they must be able to tell he means business, because an employee brings Alex a chair while David talks to the jeweler. Minutes later, David walks over with a man that looks like the boss, he's holding three rings.

"do you like any of these babe?" he asks.
they all look the same. expensive. The only thing she can focus on is the six figure price, he obviously wants her to have the best with these huge diamond rings.

"whichever one you like dave, you can pick."
she didn't used to have money like this, sure she was always very well off, but not well enough to buy a $20,000 wedding ring. so whatever he picks is perfectly fine with her.

he finally picks a ring, it has a bigger diamond and her engagement ring. And it's the second most expensive ring there. ( he said the first was ugly.)

he slides it on her finger and pulls out his credit card, not batting an eye as he pays for the ridiculously expensive ring.

at least he lets alex pick his ring, but he won't let her pay for it.
"david please, it's not a big deal. just let me buy it for you."
but he's refusing.
"honey just let me pay for it." he insists before she gives in.

so the now officially married couple walks out hand and hand with new insanely expensive wedding rings.

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