After Dark

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they both exit the bathroom, he cant stop looking at her as they walk outside to his car. words can describe how good she looks.

it's an overly pleasant day, the sun is out and it's warm. it's the type of summer day that makes you feel as though nothing could ever go wrong.

rossi drives, his hand subconsciously resting on her thigh. "you know," she starts,
"you still have to start working on the babies room. your going to get really busy really fast."
his eyes stay on the road, but he nods to show he heard her.
"i know we've talked about this when you were in the hospital... but i really think you should take early maternity leave alex."

she sighs in a annoyance, but she's been thinking about this lately too. she wants to be around for their child to grow up, and she knows david is nowhere near quitting his job. she turns towards him, biting her lip nervously. she doesn't know what he'll think of her proposition. "i think, um, i think i'm ready to be done."
"done? at the bureau? for good?"
she nods, "done being a field agent. i guess i could find a new job at the bureau- we can talk about it. i just- i don't know...i just can't do that again."
he nods but she speaks again before he can.
"we both work a hectic schedule now, i feel like someone has to be around for our baby."
"whatever you think is best alex. this is your decision, whatever you decide is fine with me."
he completely agrees with her new decision, he never wants to see her hurt like that again. he knows how great of a mom she is, and it makes sense to him that she would want to quit to be one full time.
his reassurance releases any anxiety she had before talking to him.

she nods, "i talked to hotch the other day. he said i can work part time victimology until my due date and then be done."
"we're loosing one damn good agent." he says as he parks the car.
she laughs, smiling at him. having that conversation is like a huge weight lifted from her shoulders.
"thank you for understanding." 
she says as she unbuckled her seatbelt and exits the car.
he meets her in front of the car, putting his arm around her waist as they walk.
"i'm actually really happy with the decision you made." he says honestly.
she looks up at him, "i feel like i'm never going to see you though."
he sighs, "you know it comes with the job babe."
she understands that better than anyone in the world would.

they enter the venue and there's already crowds and lines of people waiting for him. "damn these must be really good books." she says, hiding her laughter. all these people here make her appreciate the fact that he chose her.
he chuckles, shaking his head at her.
she sits next to him while he signs a crazy amount of books, smiles at people, and makes conversation with his fans. he keeps glancing at her, literally just making sure she's fine. sure she's extremely bored, but she'd do it 1000 more times for him. this time her hand is on his thigh, all she can think about is their plans tonight. after 2 full hours of this, his publisher starts shooing people out.

their the last people to leave, fans still standing around to talk to him as they leave. he walks with his arm around her waist, securing her to him as they walk quickly to his car. people follow them all the way there asking questions. he smiles at them, answering the questions quickly and walking alex to her side of the car. he opens the door for her, before getting into the drivers side.

"sorry that was probably shit for you." he says as he drives to the restaurant.
"no it was fine."
he gives her a look, he knows she's lying.
she laughs, rolling her eyes. "okay it wasnt that bad."
"where are we going anyways?"
"that italian place we went to after emily was rehired."
"holy shit that place was insanely expensive."
he laughs,but  he doesn't remember. he can barely remember what his life was like before he met her. "i have a surprise for you."
she furrows her eyebrows in confusion, "why?"
"you'll see." he says, parking the car and getting out to open her door.
they walk in together, waiters and waitresses dressed fancifully, and paying the guest special attention.  the restaurant is dimly lit, with lighting only around the bar.
he must want something to take her to somewhere this nice.

sure she loves dates with him, but she really wants to get home. they eat, and she's so ready to get home. she finds herself clenching her thighs together in anticipation.

he pays the bill and stands, pulling something out of his blazer pocket. she looks at him in confusion when suddenly her heart stops. hes on one knee and before she knows it, tears are spilling down her cheeks.

johns proposal didn't feel like this. david's is different, she can actually see herself with him for the rest of her life. she's never felt so in love, and she's shaking as he speaks. "alex blake, will you marry me?"
alex looks away wiping her tears  and nods. she cant even form the words to tell him yes. she's overjoyed to spend the rest of her life with him.
alex holds her hand out to him, meeting his eyes as he slides a massive diamond ring onto her finger.
as soon as he stands her arms are around him. tears are still streaming down her face as they leave. she can't believe she gets to marry him. "i love you so much." she chokes out as they walk towards his car.
he smiles, walking her to the passenger side. she's done waiting. she turns and presses her lips against his, he immediately responds kissing her back passionately. "i love you too." he says in between kisses.
she deftly unbuttons the top buttons of his shirt until he pulls away. "at home."

he's only been driving for almost 5 minutes and alex can't keep her hands off him. she's unbuttoned over half of the buttons and she's messing with his belt buckle. he's trying his best to focus on the road but saying that alex is making it hard would be an understatement.
he takes one hand off the wheel and sets it on her upper thigh. her breath catches as it moves farther up.

he parks the car and they barely make it inside before her lips are on his. her hands are clasped behind his neck and his hands are on her waist. she moves hers down, sliding his belt off and he deepens their kiss.
her dress is the next to go, he unzips the back and pulls it down. she's left in a black lace set and his eyes darken with lust.
their lips part as his move down her neck and towards her breasts. his fingers skim atop her breasts as he unclasps her, leaving her topless.
he's still gentle with her body mindful of what she's been going through lately.
before she knows it his hands are under her ass, lifting her up and carrying her upstairs. she rests her head on his shoulder as they move towards the bedroom.
on the floor of the entryway lays her bra, her dress, and his belt.
he lays her on the bed and she sits up against the headboard. he moves between her legs, sliding her panties down.
he leans up, pressing a kiss to her lips before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants.
she's been waiting for this all night.
she lets out a soft moan as he enters her.
he's slow at first, letting her situate but they gradually grow faster.  as they do, alex gets louder and he can tell she's close.
his hands stay at her waist and hers move from his hair to his shoulders to take his shirt off. he continues to thrust into her but he moves his hands to shrug his shirt all the way off without missing a beat.
she runs her hands from his shoulders up and down his back.
her pleasure builds and she cries out his name, closing her eyes as she orgasms.

David follows suit seconds later and pulls out of her afterwards. he kisses all the way up her body, stopping at her breasts and kissing along them lightly. she threads her fingers through his dark hair before moving them down his back and towards his jeans. she wants him naked too.
he notices this and stands from the bed, stepping out of them. when he sits back down alex moves onto his lap, facing him. he tucks her hair behind her ear before taking her face in his hands and passionately connecting their lips.
eventually the kisses become sloppy and she moves, wanting at least one more round.
he aligns himself with her entrance still holding her body close to him.
almost as soon as he's inside of her she notices something different, this is different than the last round. it's not just sex. he's making love to her.
she rests her head against his shoulder until the sensation builds again and airy moans escape her mouth. her eyes squeeze shut, rolling back as waves of pleasure overtake her.
he finishes seconds later, but they stay there together.
she's content to fall asleep there, in david's arms, it's already 10pm. but david has different ideas, plus they both need to shower.
he scoops her up from the position they were in and turns on the dimmest bathroom light.  he continues to hold her as the bath water runs.
he sets her down when it's finished, letting her get in first before getting in behind her.
alex leans back against his chest, closing her eyes. his hands move to her belly and he kisses her temple. "i love you." he says softly.
those words will always make her smile, "i love you so much." she answers, placing her hands over his.
she can't believe she gets to marry this man.

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