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everyone boarded the jet, engaging in quiet conversation. the whole team was ready to go home, especially the undercover agents. they hadn't had a lot of time to talk lately. alex sat by jj on one end of the jet, the rest of the team spread out elsewhere. "jj, can i ask you about something?" alex said quietly.
"of course alex. what's up?"
alex wanted to ask jj something but she couldn't. just because she missed a 2 periods doesn't mean she's pregnant. she took a deep breath, deciding to try. "i think i'm pregnant." she said, looking down.
jjs eyes widened, "no way! alex that's great news!" she said quietly but extremely excitedly. she immediately noticed that alex wasn't as a excited as she was. "oh alex, just talk to him. or me! i'm available anytime." she said, setting her hand on alex's.
she bit her lip and turned to the thoughts filling her head. she and david had sex for the first time more than a 2 months ago, could she really be pregnant?
i guess i'll find out, she thought.

david pov:
something seems to be troubling alex, something besides the ben situation. we haven't really been able to truly talk for about a week. she seemed distracted on the flight and turned down the wine offered to her by emily. she said she was "tired."

the jet landed and everyone filed out quickly. they walked into the BAU quickly together, hoping for the rest of the day off at least. "you all have paperwork to do, either from previous cases or this last one. i expect it here by 9am." hotch said.
everyone sighed, relieved that they could go home. derek quite literally ran to his car. everyone wanting to leave before hotch changed his mind.
when they got to home they grabbed their paperwork and bags from the car and went inside. it was only 2pm now, plenty of time to work and have a much needed conversation.
they sat down together, david setting his hand on her thigh. "how do you feel?" he asked kindly.
"ben just reminded me so much of ethan. in a way it was kind of nice, like reassuring. and i liked spending more time with you." she says,
connecting their lips.
he pulls away, "i cant believe we had sex in front of the team."
alex's eyes widened, "don't remind me."
he laughed quietly, pulling her onto his lap. "what should we do with the rest of our day?" he asks, trailing his hand further up her leg.
"we are not having sex at three in the afternoon." she said laughing. "but i am gonna go shower if you wanna come with..."
he's up in an instant, already beginning to unbutton his shirt. she stands, but david has different ideas. he picks her up, her legs immediately wrapping around his waist. she's laughing as he carries her upstairs and towards the master bedroom. they enter the bathroom together and david sets her down, allowing her to undress and get into the shower. they get in together, alex clinging to david still. he just holds her enjoying her body against his, but not in a sexual way. it's more loving than that.

next morning:
alex woke up and ran to the bathroom, throwing up. she knew this could happen. thank god dave was downstairs in his office so he didn't hear her throwing up in the bathroom. she threw on clothes for the day and grabbed her purse.  she walked through the house and past dave's office, "i'm gonna go put gas in my car. i'll be right back." she said walking by. he looked up skeptically.  no "good morning" or a kiss or anything, he thought. she opened the door and quickly left the house.

she drove to the store and walked inside quickly, finding the most expensive pregnancy test and buying it. she was so nervous. she and dave hadn't even been together for more than 2 months. they hadn't talked about kids or the possibility. when they first had sex they hadn't even talked about it, they were too caught up in each other to even care. she sighed and walked back to her car. on the way home she made sure to put gas in her car so if dave asked, she wouldn't be lying. she took a deep breath and walked inside with the test in her purse. she walked directly upstairs and into the bathroom, she didn't care what dave thought right now. she needed to see if it was true.

she took the test and paced around the bathroom, waiting for the results. 5 minutes later, she saw it. the test was positive. she looked at it in shock, this would change her life. what if dave didn't want a baby? what if he didn't even want to be with her? she couldn't raise a baby by herself. these thoughts flooded her head and she didn't know what to do. she loved dave. she couldn't loose him. she put the test into her purse, hiding it from him. she closed her eyes, leaning her elbows on the bathroom counter, with her head in her hands. she had big decisions to make.

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