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alex sat on the couch, curled up in david's side. ben was playing with his toys on the floor. "how long do you think we have?" alex whispered.
"a day or two. maybe even tonight, he strikes at night and we already have the cameras. we just have to keep him interested for a little while longer."
alex looked up at david, "so what happens when this is over? we just give ben back? david he calls us mommy and daddy." she said, her voice cracking.
he pulled her closer. "i know honey. it'll be okay." he said, resting his chin on top of her head.
ben noticed the sudden change in both adults moods. he got up and lifted his arms, asking to be picked up. david picked him up, setting him between him and alex. "mommy sad?" ben asked. alex's heart broke. "no buddy i'm not sad." she said, her voice wavering. "daddy's gonna read to you. i'll be right back." she said, going upstairs.
david shot her a sympathetic and confused look but turned his attention towards ben who was already choosing a book.
alex went upstairs and got into the shower. she lets the hot water flow over her as she began to cry quietly. she didn't want to leave this perfect life. she couldn't leave ben, he called her mommy. she knew she didn't really have another choice. taking a deep breath, she exited the shower and dried her hair. she redressed in different jeans and a different shirt.
she saw ben sitting on dave's lap and he was reading to him. her heart melted at the scene, david had a special way with kids. he stopped reading and looked up at her when she sat down. "are you okay honey?" he asked her softly. "i'm fine bello." (handsome) she said, leaning her head on his shoulder.
his eyes widened in admiration at her italian.
the three of them sat together for the rest of the afternoon, until david got up to make dinner. alex followed him with ben in her arms, she just held him while david cooked. just then, alex's phone rang. it was emily. she gave david a confused look, but answered it anyways. "hey em. what's up?"
"we don't want to alarm anyone, but we think the unsub is coming tonight. tell rossi and make sure you two are ready. we'll have agents all over the neighborhood, so just keep doing what your doing." she said, hanging up.
alex set her phone down and walked over to david, still holding ben. she wrapped the arm that wasn't holding ben around his waist. "the team thinks he's coming tonight." she said quietly.
david nodded and continued cooking. when he was done, the three ate together, alex and dave holding hands across the table. ben talked to himself while the adults engaged in quiet conversation. "they'll have units all around the neighborhood, they said their read for anything." she explained quietly.
"do they have a plan? this guy is unraveling and just wants to shoot." david said, raising his eyebrows.
"honestly i have no idea. they just told us to do what we're doing and be prepared." she answered, squeezing his hand.
ben reached for her, asking to be held. she gladly complied, picking him up and setting him on her lap. he laid his head against her chest, holding onto her shirt and closing his eyes.
david picked up the dishes and cleaned the kitchen while alex took ben up to bed. she sighed, knowing this was basically the end. when she came back downstairs, "cant help falling in love." by elvis presley was playing on the radio. it was dark outside now, the rest of the house peaceful. he grabbed her hand, leading her towards the middle of the kitchen. she placed her hand on his shoulder and he gripped her waist. she smiled up at him, truly enjoying the moment and falling impossibly in love with him. they moved slowly together, when the song ended alex laid her head against his chest, his arms wrapping around her.

the team still had surveillance, the watched rossi and blake dance together in the dimly lit kitchen. "i want that!" penelope whined.
"guys their still undercover. what if this doesn't mean anything." jj said.
"there's no denying that their basically in love." emily countered.
"can you guys focus? their in quite a bit of danger." hotch said, snapping them back to reality.
"come on bella, (beautiful) we should get some sleep." he said, walking them both upstairs. she changed into panties and another one of david's shirts, before laying down in their bed. he came in minutes later, lifting up the blankets and getting in bed next to her. she scooted her back into his chest, laying against him. his hand wandered beneath her shirt as the two of them laid together, waiting for the team to find this unsub.

2 hours later:
alex and david where still laying together, both of them wide awake. suddenly both agents shot up in bed as a gunshot rang out. alex grabbed david's arm, "we're fine sweetheart." he reassured her.
just then, emily entered the room. "we got him." she said breathlessly.
alex could hear ben crying in his room, she walked past emily who followed. ben was crying and covering his ears. "your okay buddy." she soothed him as she picked him up. "so howd it go?" alex asked emily.
"he was trying to get into your bedroom window. hotch shot him down and that was basically it." she said with a shrug.
alex nodded and brought ben back into their room, beginning to pack their things. she didn't want to leave her perfect family but she was happy it was over. she hated being watched.

the rest of the team entered the house, thanking david and alex for going undercover. "the police are going to take it from here. you guys can get your things and we'll all stay at a hotel." hotch informed them.
reid opened his mouth to protest about the jet being able to fly them home, but hotch stopped him. "our team is still responsible for ben. dave? alex? since he's obviously the most comfortable with you two, would you mind taking him with you?"
"yeah that's fine." david says, taking ben from alex so she could begin packing their things. alex packed everything quickly, ready to be done with this undercover shit.
"so that's it?" alex said incredulously as they got into their car.
"after tonight we go home and back to normal." he says with a shrug, putting his hand on her thigh. she sighed, putting her hand over his.
they get to the hotel before the rest of the team, they check into their room, alex carrying a sleeping ben. entering their room, alex immediately gets into bed with ben. there's only one bed, forcing all three of them to sleep together. ben is between david and alex, bens body nestled against alex's and david is facing alex, his arm draped over her back.

alex woke up to her phone ringing. "blake." she answers sleepily, untangling herself from david and ben. "the social worker is here for ben and the jet is leaving in 20 minutes." emily told her.
"we'll be right down." she answers, hanging up the phone. the ringing of the phone woke up dave, who sensed her tone and began picking up their things.
alex sat down on the edge of the bed and picked up ben, who was still asleep. she held him against her and looked up at david, tears spilling over her cheeks. "i know it's hard sweetheart." he says, placing his hand gently on her back.
she stood, taking a deep breath. dave carried both of their bags as they walked downstairs to meet the rest of the team. they entered the small lobby, seeing the team almost immediately. the social worker was there with them. she walked towards them with a smile. "thanks for taking great care of him!" she said cheerily. "do you have kids?"
"um no i dont." she said with a fake smile. she handed ben to the woman, where he immediately began to fuss.
as she walked out with the rest of the team, she heard a small cry. "mommy?" it questioned. alex couldn't bring herself to turn around.
she walked closer to dave, looking for comfort. he wanted to pull her towards him and tell her it would be okay. but the team was all around, and they weren't ready to tell yet.

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