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It's been three weeks since the first day the agents were sent to this hotel.  longer than anyone could have ever expected. everyone is completely over it, they've only been able to see their roommate and they are strictly instructed to not leave their room.
plus the fact that there is nothing to do. alex has spent the majority of the time sleeping, or being attached to david.
david on the other hand, has been working on his next book. this time off work has given him a lot of time to write.
this isn't ideal, but they cant say this time off hasn't been somewhat good.
it's given them plenty of time to discuss baby names and other decisions about the baby.
as well as have sex. they've had a lot of sex.

"who the fuck is working this case?" alex complains as their laying next to each other, after another round. "are they dumb or something?"

he laughs, rolling over towards her and kissing her chest, then moving up to her neck, and finally her lips.
"at least i'm not working." he says against her lips.
he's right. at least they've been together for longer than they would have been otherwise.

he doesn't know if it's her hormones or this whole stuck in a hotel thing, but alex hasn't been herself lately.
she's crying easily and more often, sleeping all the time, and refuses to tell him what's wrong.

she doesn't kiss him back, instead she rolls over away from him.
"hey..." he says quietly, "what's up with you?"
"nothing." she says shortly.
she then gets out of the bed and picks david's shirt up off the floor. using it to cover herself as she walks towards the bathroom to shower.
he just wants to know what's wrong.
one second she's fine and the next she's pissed off or crying.
sure he understands her hormones, his first wife was a bitch about them, but alex isn't ever like this. she always finds comfort in him, not in being away from him.
he'll give her time and space if that's what she wants.

she gets in the shower and instantly wishes david were with her. she just feels so gross and pregnant and moody all the time. 25 weeks pregnant is pretty far along but she already feels like shit and she has at least 13 weeks to go.

but she just wants to go home. and as much as she feels horrible for spencer, he keeps texting her and calling her and she has no idea how to help him.
her final reason for being upset, is david. since they've been here, they haven't talked about the wedding once. she wants to be mrs. rossi more than anything, and she just hopes he wants that too.
what if he doesn't want to get married anymore? did he just feel obligated because they're having a baby?
maybe she's overthinking. or maybe she's not.

she's been in the bathroom thinking about this for so long, her hair is almost completely dry.
she exits the bathroom in a bra and underwear with plans of just getting back in bed.
she cant stop crying, so she walks out of the bathroom with tears streaming down her face.

david is redressed and pacing around the room on the phone, probably with hotch.  he turns around and immediately sees alex wiping tears from her face. "i'm going to have to call you back, aaron." he says, hanging up the phone and walking towards her.
"honey what's wrong?" he asks softly, enveloping her in his arms.
"nothings wrong." she says, refusing to meet his eyes and leaning into his hug with her head over his shoulder.
"that's bullshit."  he obviously saw tears running down her face.  "talk to me alex." he pleads.
she shakes her head, stepping out of his arms and getting into their bed.
he sighs, before turning off the lights for her. it's only 8pm so he gets into bed next to her with his laptop so she can sleep and he can work.

it's been at least 10 minutes and he can still hear her crying. he shuts his laptop and sets it on the floor, before laying down next to her and holding her.
"i don't know what's wrong. but i love you."

she takes a deep breath before speaking, "did you only ask me to marry you because i got pregnant?

"oh god, no. i loved you before i knew you were pregnant alex."

"then why haven't we talked about the wedding? do you still want to get married?" she says, her voice wavering at the last sentence.

"i love you more than anything! of course i want to get married. we can get married the day we leave this hotel if you want. just us."

"okay, okay i'm sorry. i just...want to get married before i have the baby. so it can be us first." she says, rolling over and kissing him quickly.

he places one hand on her belly and and deepens their kiss.  she pulls away, "i love you."
"i love you too." he answers, as she relaxes in his arms.

he lies awake while she quickly falls asleep, he can't believe she thought he would just marry her because she's pregnant.
he hopes it was just her hormones speaking, because he loves her, a lot, and he wants her to know that.
at least now they can seal the deal and get married the day they can leave here.

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