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alex and david are shown to their room by an officer, as are the rest of the team members. they both set their bags down and alex is in dave's arms in a second. "thank god for whoever hacked us." she says. she's really not joking. it's just the two of them in this room until this is all figured out.
there's plenty of things she wants to do with him right now but she can tell he's tired from their previous cases, and it is pretty late.
she steps out of his embrace, going to change while he leaves to shower.
she then changes into a bra and panties before getting into their bed. she would have packed better if she didn't have literally 5 minutes.

he comes out, showered, a few minutes later in boxers and a plain black t shirt.
he gets into bed next to her and he's immediately pulling her closer. alex being pregnant makes sleeping together harder but they manage.
she shuts off the lamp- the only remaining light, and cuddles into david's side.

something compels alex to ask him a personal question that they have yet to talk about, it's been bothering her for awhile and now seems like an ok time.
"you had a son too, didn't you."
the question seems to take him by surprise, and his answer takes awhile. "i did." he says, "he lived for less than 24 hours."

he takes her silence as a hint and decides to change the subject. "so it's a girl, huh?"
he says, his hand grazing her back and moving towards her bra.
"we still haven't picked a name." she says pointedly, "ideas?"
her bra unclasps as she finishes her sentence.
"david rossi." she warns, as he slides it all the way off. he runs his hands up and down her bare back before gradually moving them to her front. all without missing a beat in conversation.
"god i don't know. we have a lot of time to make a decision." he clearly doesn't want to talk right now.
alex is now on her back, topless, with david's hands moving from her breasts to her belly.
she closes her eyes in pleasure, but she just wants to sleep. they'll probably have plenty of time in this hotel room for that, later.
she leans up to kiss him, and their lips connect briefly before her phone rings.
"what the fuck." she mumbles, pulling away from him and grabbing her phone.

she reads the name on the screen and her eyes widen. "oh shit." she mumbles, sitting up and covering her chest with the blanket.
"spencer? it's 11:00! what's wrong?" she says immediately.

david's never been so confused. sure reid was acting different and distracted all week, but he didn't want to talk about it. now their back and he's all over alex. hugging her and calling her at 11 in the morning.
he can obviously only hear her side of the conversation, but her quiet voice and body language tell him that whatever they've been talking about upsets her too.

he sits up beside her and pulls her closer, putting an arm around her waist and snaking the other under the blanket to rest on her belly.
she gives him and unreadable look, but rests her head on his shoulder.
"this'll only last a few days spencer. you can see her afterwards."
her voice is calming and reassuring.
there's a pause before she speaks again, "i'm sure hotch will give you however long you need."
but alex keeps talking, "spencer i'm always going to be here, but the rest of the team is worried about you too. you need to talk to them now, because in a few months i'll have a baby and i won't see you everyday."
she lets out an exasperated sigh before exclaiming, "no i'm not leaving you!"
there's a long pause before alex talks again, "please talk to hotch. he's worried about you........yes we can talk in the morning."

she finally hangs up and sighs loudly before turning to face him completely and wrapping her arms around his neck. he responds, running his hands down her bare back, "what's wrong?"
he asks quietly.
"they want to take his mom off her medication. they estimate she has 5 months even with it." she says tiredly.
he closes his eyes, feeling horrible for spencer. he doesn't deserve that, especially when he's so young. she's the only person he really has left.
"she's just gotten way worse is what he said." alex says finally.
she pulls away from him and lays down, facing away from him. "i just don't know what to do or how to help him."
is the last thing she says.
he lays down next to her and she presses her back against his chest. he wraps one arm around her and kisses her cheek softly. "i love you."
"i love you too." she says, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of his arms around her.

she can tell he's fallen asleep after awhile when he rolls over and she no longer feels his body against hers.
but she just can't sleep, all the thoughts of the FBI being hacked and having to stay in this hotel are on her mind, along with thoughts about spencer and thoughts about the baby. she's always thinking about the baby. she also wishes david were around more, hell she always wishes that. she's never loved anyone more than this (besides maybe ethan) and she can't wait to raise their daughter together.
all of these thoughts, combined with her pregnancy are making it impossible to sleep.
then the baby kicks. it takes her by surprise at first but she easily recognizes it considering she's been pregnant before. this only makes her more excited for their baby, she's only 20 weeks pregnant but she's ready.
ready to be done with work and ready to start a new family.
she's finally able to fall asleep with these thoughts replacing the others.

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