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The car ride is torture. David is driving 15 over the speed limit just to get them home quickly. One of his hands rests on her thigh, the other on the wheel. She cant stop looking at the ring on his finger. Hes her husband.

they both get out of the car quickly. David grabs their bags and immediately drops them on the floor when they get inside. Alex is all over him in seconds and he pushes her against the wall, kissing her. "bedroom." alex whispers breathlessly. somehow he scoops her up, pregnant and all and carries her upstairs. He sets her on their bed and she takes her jeans off while he rolls his shirt sleeves up. their lips find eachother again when alex pulls him onto their bed, working on his belt buckles while he removes her shirt and bra.

he gently takes her hands from where they were, and just holds them while he kisses her breasts. soft moans escape her lips until his hands trail down her body, reaching her panties and pulling them off.

This is unlike any other time they've had sex. They are truly making love. He's gentle until they both find their release.

afterwards they both get in bed, Alex is naked and David still has a shirt and jeans on. Both are unbuttoned, but he's more dressed than Alex. She has her head on his chest and his hand is running up and down her back. "i love you so much." he whispers.
she looks up at him and smiles, "i love you more."

they just lay together for awhile until david kisses alex's cheek and moves to get up. "we've been gone for awhile and we have a lot to get done around here." he says, getting out of their bed.
alex makes no move to get out of bed. he chuckles, "go ahead and sleep if you want. i'll finish the babies room."
he's been doing some work on it periodically, but she's getting closer and closer to her due date.
he exits the room and she moves to his side of the bed. she cant believe how lucky she is to call him her husband.

she wakes up almost an hour later and exits their bed. she doesn't interrupt david as he's working on the babies room. she collects their long overdue bills and mail and sits down in david's office. after being inseparable for the last month, it's nice for them to have some space and be slightly productive.

about half an hour later, David comes downstairs. The babies room is finally finished. as he walks downstairs he catches sight of Alex in his office.

his heart swells in love for her and he can't believe she's his wife. He can't help but admire everything about her. The way her hair falls over her face while she writes, the way her opposite hand rests instinctively on her stomach, and the way a wedding ring looks on her finger.

he enters his office and leans against the door frame. She looks up upon noticing movement.
"hey." she says, looking up briefly before going back to what she was doing.
"the babies room is finished." he tells her, before walking to the kitchen to start dinner.
she gets up upon hearing this news, and goes upstairs to look at it.

it's perfect. everything about it is perfect and she cant wait to be a mom again. she cant wait to start this family with David.

she walks into the kitchen and sits at the counter, watching david cook. "i love the babies room. thank you for doing that, it's perfect."
he glances at her and smiles, before turning his attention back to their food. "good. i'm happy you like it."

little words are exchanged during dinner. After being inseparable for a month, both would enjoy some space, regardless of their marriage today. They've felt married this whole time, today it was just made official.

Alex washes the dishes and David goes back upstairs. Alex follows him once the dishes are put away. She enters their room to him picking up their clothes from earlier. A small smile forms on Alex's face as she reminisces. He doesn't look up as she walks in and goes into his closet. She takes off the pants she was wearing, revealing red panties and and she puts on one of David's old FBI shirts. when she exits his closet he's no longer in their room. She turns on the bedside lamp before getting into bed and moving to his side.

it's amazing to be back in their own bed again. She turns on the TV and waits for David to get into bed with her.

David enters the room almost half an hour later and she's not sure what he was doing. Probably thoroughly checking over the whole house since they've been gone so long. He smiles, shaking his head at Alex on his side of the bed. He walks to where she was laying and lifts the blanket off of her. "move." he says laughing.

she rolls her eyes, moving over just enough to let him get into bed before cuddling into his side.
her head rests on his chest and his hand is on her belly. it's only 9pm but it's felt like such a long and eventful day. she places her hand over david's on her belly and takes a deep breath. "can we talk about something quick?" she asks, almost nervously it seems like. he moves his hand from her belly to holding her hand. "of course honey. what's up?" he answers seriously.
he doesn't know what to expect, so he tips her chin up and captures her lips in a quick kiss.
She seems nervous for some reason and she doesn't look at him while she speaks. "i just...i know we've had multiple conversations about me working until i go into labor and if i want to work after i have our baby...but i..want to be done now. i'm sorry." she looks up at him when she finishes.

he breathes a sigh of relief "oh alex. don't apologize. i support whatever you want to do honey.  god, i thought you were going to say something so much worse."

"so i can talk to hotch and strauss tomorrow? you're okay with that?"

he nods, "why didn't you tell me you felt this way sooner?"

"i wasn't sure if i was making the right decision. but our baby is my biggest priority, so work needs to go."

"are you sure that's what you want? We can make anything work. I want to support you in whatever you decide to do."

"i'm positive."

"okay." he says, leaning down to kiss her.

alex moves momentarily to turn the lamp off before moving back into david's embrace.
"i love you alex rossi."
she smiles, "i love you more."

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