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alex woke up early, hearing cries. she went to get up but dave stopped her. "i'll go get him." he said. alex gladly laid back down. dave came in a few minutes later carrying ben. "hey buddy!" she said sleepily. dave set him down and he crawled into alex's arms, laying down next to her and cuddling up against her. alex looked at dave wide eyed but turned her attention to ben. "can you please tell daddy to lay with us?" she asked ben. he just looked up at dave and outstretched his arms. alex's heart melted as he got back into bed with them. ben was in between them sleeping, leaving dave and alex looking expectantly at eachother. "hotch picked a place for us to take ben too. he said all of the other victims went to a certain restaurant before they were killed." dave said.
alex nodded and slowly kissed him. she put her hands on either side of his face, pulling him closer and pressing her lips harder against his. alex pulled away from the kiss moments later, dave tucked her hair behind her ear, "i'm going to shower and then we can get ready to leave okay?" he said.
alex nodded and took ben to get dressed. she noticed how alike him and ethan were. she dressed him and packed his diaper bag. by then, dave was ready and he took ben so alex could get ready. when alex was dressed, she walked out of the bathroom and saw dave sitting on the bed, facing away from her, holding ben with a picture in his hand. "see that's mommy. isn't she pretty?" she heard him say. dave turned around when he heard alex sniff, holding back tears.
"you okay honey?" he asked, standing up with ben and walking over to her.
"i'm fine." she said wiping away her tears.
dave shot her a look, silently telling her they would talk about this later. right now they needed to focus on work.

they got into the car and drove to the restaurant. dave couldn't help but notice how naturally being a mom came to alex. ben was naturally drawn to her, always reaching for her and wanting to be held. they sat down at the restaurant and alex sat ben in the high chair the waitress had given them. as soon as he was put down he began to cry for her. "shh shh it's okay, it's okay." she said picking him back up and sitting with him on her lap.
"okay," alex started, "hotch said to be on the lookout for anyone taking special interest in us. It could be a waiter, chef, or a customer." she said quietly.
"what about him." david said, referring to the man alone in the corner that had been watching them since they walked in.
"fits the profile."
just then The man got up and walked over to a waitress he talk to her quietly but they couldn't hear what he was saying. The waitress smiled and nodded at him then proceeded to move him to a table right next to theirs. Alex widened her eyes at David. he he picked her hand up and held it across the table. "Ben do you want to sit with daddy?" she asked, putting emphasis on the word daddy, hoping to catch the mans attention. just as she suspected, his head snapped up and he stared at them, both agents pretending not to notice. "daddy." ben said, reaching out towards david.
alex handed ben to david where he held him on his lap. ben was babbling to himself while the agents quietly decided their approach. david paid their bill and ben began to get fussy. "you ready to go home buddy?" david asked ben.
"we should go home honey, he needs a nap." david said.
alex's heart melted at the way david interacted with ben in this perfect little family.
alex nodded and stood up, taking ben from david and walking outside, holding david's hand. "he's behind us." alex whispered as they got into the car. the man was in fact behind them.
the strange man followed their car all the way to their house, driving away only when they pulled into their driveway. "do you think that's him?" alex asked as she took ben out of his car seat.
"i don't know sweetheart, it's a little early to tell.  the team should definitely take a look at this guy though."
they entered the house and alex immediately took ben upstairs for his nap. he was exhausted, having not slept all too well in a new environment. when she entered their bedroom david was pacing the length of the room, on the phone with someone. alex walked towards him, she knew he paced only when he was stressed. he stopped when she walked towards him, she stood beside him and ran her hand up and down his back, waiting for him to end the call.
he hung up the phone and turned his attention towards alex. "that was hotch. the rest of the team thinks the unsub is putting cameras in tonight if that really was him. garcia is running background checks right now."
alex nodded silently, "what's got you so stressed?" she asked, running her hand down his shoulder and towards his chest.
he grabbed her hand from where it was, taking her by surprise. "nothing alex, let's just focus and get this done, okay?"
her eyes crinkled in confusion, "david." she said in a warning tone. "what's up with you?"
he sighs and wraps his arm around her waist, leading her towards their unmade bed. she sits down next to him and places her hand on his thigh, waiting for him to continue. "please alex not tonight, i'm sorry bella (beautiful) but now isn't the best time to talk about it."
she nods, "beautiful" she breathes.
"you speak italian?" he asks breathlessly.
"enough of it." she says quietly with a smile.
"you can tell me when your ready." she says with a sad smile, kissing him on the cheek and leaving him alone with his thoughts.

david pov:
how do I tell her that the reason I've been so distant is because I'm in love with her. This whole situation is making me fall in love with her but I don't know if she wants a relationship. I know we've had sex and everything but I don't want to move too fast and end up losing her. I just need to focus on finding this unsub.

alex pov:
he keeps pushing me away. I love him but he keeps pushing me away and he won't talk to me about it. he doesn't provide any of the small, comforting touches like usual and i can tell something is bothering him. and it's not just the case.

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