Back to Work

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alex woke up first and untangled herself from dave's arms. she got dressed in tight blue jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt, and black high heeled boots. she went downstairs and made herself a cup of coffee and packed her bag incase they had a case. she didn't notice dave come downstairs a few minutes later. he wrapped his arms around her and began kissing her neck. she leaned her neck to the side, giving him more access. she spun around quickly and captured his lips in a kiss. she threaded her hands through his hair and continued kissing him. she pulled away from the kiss. "let's go." she said walking out towards the car. they drove in silence, "okay you get out first and i'll come in a few minutes later." she said when they got there. Dave just rolled his eyes. "david i know i'm sorry. i just got divorced 2 days ago and i don't want people thinking we're together so soon-"
he cut her off and put his hand reassuringly on her leg, "i know alex. it's alright." he said. alex kissed him quickly before he got out.

"morgan did you see that?" emily asked from the window. "alex and rossi drove here together! she even made him get out first!" she squealed.
morgan rolled his eyes. "emily, remember what happened the last time we got involved?" he asked her.
"i know, i know. i just think they're so cute." she said.
"alex just got divorced, he's probably just trying to be there for her." morgan countered.
emily whipped around, "she's divorced now? how'd you find out?"
"heard hotch talking to her on the phone. she had to change all of her emergency contacts and benefits or something." morgan said.
"wow." emily said, shaking her head, "i still can't believe what's happened to her." she said sadly.
"i know em." morgan said equally as sadly.

the two turned around and saw rossi walking into his office, and alex enter the BAU. morgan and emily smiled at eachother knowingly. "great to have you back alex." emily said.
"i've missed it." alex answered, smiling.

just then they saw hotch and garcia enter the conference room. they gave eachother a knowing look and walked to the room. they all sat down and garcia began the briefing. "3 couples have been killed in their houses were broken into and each person was shot twice and had her throat slit. Each couple also had a 1 to 3 year old son."
"These families seem to be surrogates to him." emily said.
" each family had these physical characteristics?" reid asked.
"yes all of them." garcia confirmed.
" The local police department wants to send agents undercover,wheels up in 20 to decide our approach." hotch said.
everyone stood up to leave, "rossi? can i talk to you for a moment?" garcia said as everyone left. rossi nodded and sat back down. the rest of the team left and garcia closed the door. " I was one of Alex's best friends I am allowed to ask you shamelessly what the hell you did to her." she said angrily. " she has been to hell and back in this past month and you obviously upset her last night. I had to find her for you." she finished.
"penelope, there's nothing going on between us. i just needed your help last night to make sure she wasn't going back to johns house. that's all." he said convincingly.
Penelope would've believed him if she didn't already know about the two of them. She didn't forget the other night when she called Alex and all she could do was ask if Dave was okay.
"i wish you would just tell the truth." she huffed.
Dave shook his head and walked back to his office. He sat down at his desk and began looking through the case files, he looked up when he heard the door open slowly. It was Alex. "hey da- um rossi, i wanted to ask you something about the case." she said, as jj walked by. before he could answer, she closed the door and sat on the edge of his desk. "what did penelope say?" she asked.
dave sighed, "she was mad that i upset you the other night. i had to call her to find you." he said, meeting her eyes. he put his hand on her leg and looked back down at the case files. "we should go." he said. she left his office and he followed a few minutes later. they sat by each other on the jet, morgan and hotch sitting across from them. Dave set his hand on her thigh comforting her.

"like i was saying about going undercover, the local police department found a boy in foster care to help with the victimology."
"so who are we sending?" reid asked, and emily picked it up, "the only people that fit the description are alex, rossi and hotch." she said.
"blake and rossi? do you feel comfortable going undercover? you would have to go out in public together and you would be in charge of a baby." hotch said.
everyone looked at them expectantly. "yeah i can do it." alex said, looking at rossi.
"sure i can go undercover." he said.
emily and morgan shared a smile.
"perfect, you'll get your cover when we get to the station."
the jet landed and the officers gave them their covers quickly. "i have no doubt the unsub is already looking for his next victims." the sheriff said. "your mr. and mrs. anderson. your sons name is ben, you guys can keep your first names." he said. "we will be letting your team run the rest of the investigation, but we are here to help." he finished. "any questions?" he asked them and the team.
"how does the unsub watch his victims and who should we be looking for?" alex asked.
"once he finds you, he breaks into his victims houses and plants cameras so he can watch you guys interact with eachother and your son. he's a white male and seems very ordinary."  hotch interrupted, "garcia will hack the cameras so we can see exactly what he is seeing. one of us will be watching them at all times." he said.
alex and dave nodded "thank you sir. we'll take it from here." hotch said, shaking his hand.
"you ready?" morgan asked, rossi shook his head and smiled. before he could answer, alex walked over with a 1 year old brunette boy. he was clinging to the front her shirt and smiling at her. dave put his hand on her lower back and lead her out to their car. alex put ben in his car seat and got into the passenger seat, holding dave's hand as he drove. "i cant believe we agreed to do this. the team and a complete sadistic stranger are going to be watching us." she said.
"but we get to spend every second together until we find this guy." he said, squeezing her hand. alex smiled at him and looked at ben. he seemed sweet and attached to her quickly, although she had met him less than 10 minutes ago.

finally they were there. it was a small white house with a modern and cozy interior. there were toys on the floor for Ben and framed pictures of him on the mantle. Upstairs, was Ben's room as well as a bedroom and bathroom for Alex and Dave. On the night table next to their bed there was a picture of ben but there is also a picture Alex had never seen before. "david look at this." she said bringing it over to him. it was the picture emily and jj had taken on the jet. dave had his arm around her waist and her head was on his shoulder. "who took this?" dave said laughing.
"it's perfect." alex said, quietly so he couldn't hear her.
alex picked ben up off of their bed and carried him downstairs with them.
"hotch said we can stay inside today and make sure ben is comfortable with us, and then go somewhere tomorrow." alex said.
dave nodded and began making their dinner. he made some fancy pasta dish that alex couldn't remember the name of. she put ben in his high chair and fed him plain noodles and applesauce. when they were finished eating alex took ben upstairs to play with him while dave washed the dishes. when dave walked into bens room, he saw alex sitting on the floor with him, playing. he was giggling uncontrollably. after a few minutes, she stood up with ben in her arms. "say goodnight to daddy." she said sweetly.
"daddy?" dave questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"you want the unsub to be watching us in public and hear him call you dave?" she said laughing.
she put ben in his crib and turned the light off. "now i have you all to myself." he said, walking into their bedroom. alex changed her clothes and got into their bed. "david come on." she whined, "i'm tired."
"you can sleep without me." he called from the other room where he was looking through a file.
"no i cant actually. please come lay with me." she begged.
he walked into the bedroom, "okay, okay i'm right here." he said getting into bed with her. she immediately moved closer to him, pressing her body against his. "what's wrong david?" she asked, "you seemed really distant today."
"i'm fine sweetheart. being undercover is just risky," he said. "that's all."
"promise?" she asked quietly.
"i promise." he confirmed, kissing the top of her head.

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